🚨Run Fren Run!🚨

182  2019-05-30 by happybillmoney


What a greedy little beast! Did you try bopping him?

First they come for our tendies subs. Then they come for all subs.

Fren, I have read this Dr. Seuss book before! You must bop the nonfren!

One Fren Two Fren Red Fren Green Fren

Black Fren Blue Fren Old Fren New Fren

Oh no fren! The grabler will stop at nothing short of destroying you. Watch out for his hordes of non-frens that will steal your tendies sub

Gradually, I began to dislike the grabbler.

I do not understand the point of the bread. Are the tendies not already breaded? Is it for portability? Would there not be other ingredients if it were a sub? So many questions.

Maybe there are sauces or melted cheese in there and the bread keeps your hands clean.

I'd still prefer to dip, than eat through a whole loaf of bread. ¯\(ツ)/¯


They already have so many tendis you gotta wonder why they need more! 2% have 90%! Howd that even happen!?

Compound tendie interest! You borrow a drumstick worth of tendies and next thing you know you've paid back a whole coup of chicken and still they want more!

Stand back fren, I'll protect you with my fren sword! [--------]=============>

I'll say it fren, long noses are not people and should not be treated as such.

Help us Obi-Fren!

i suppose i shall rise to your silly provocation?

I'd still prefer to dip, than eat through a whole loaf of bread. ¯\(ツ)/¯