i spilled my crayons and mixed all the colors

219  2019-05-30 by Gezora


Oh no fren, mixing lowers their value

If the crayon box doesn't spill it's crayons, it will not survive.

Have you been talking to the nosefrens?

I am nosefren.

The nosefrens have their own box. They started a big war just so they could get their box.

are we still talking about crayons? what's a nosefren?

Nosefrens are frens with long noses!

ETB was a real fren, I appreciate your username.

He was! My oppa was part of the AWB before he fled the country!

It's better to destroy those that got touched by other colors

It’s okay fren, a lil color mixin never hurt nobody :)

It does. It dilutes the purity that can't be reversed.

It's like when you make something out of Play-Doh with lots of colours. No matter how hard you try, the bits where 2 colours meet is always tainted.



Dog breeds are prone to diseases due to “purity.” Mutts are generally healthier

i have mongrel dogs and they are all full o diseases

I didn’t say they were gods

Yes. White mutts.

I’ve never seen anything linking canine fur color to health...?

Looks like fren should watch this video


That's because pure breed dog frens are usually bred within their families fren.

All purebreds are familial to a certain extent. What are you getting at?

Diversity protects your progeny from bottlenecking. There’s no way around that

Of course they are familial because genetic variance within dog breeds are pretty limited and target breeding for specific features were done by private/individual breeders whose access to dogs were limited to the kenels within their localities.

Yes but this effect scales up.

Scale up deez nuts 😂👌🏻

lmao gotem

All purebreds are familial to a certain extent

So are most people. Recessive diseases don't require a very large population to avoid. Simply avoiding incest and practicing responsible breeding is enough. Unfortunately, many breeders, as well as non-frenz, do not practice this often enough, leading to problems.

Okay. This doesn’t demonstrate that race mixing is bad. At all.

Unfortunately, many breeders, as well as non-frenz, do not practice this often enough, leading to problems.

Conspiratorial nonsense. How predictable

Racemixing? Wtf are you talking about? I want to LET THEM IN 😍😍😍

Don’t play stupid that’s literally what this entire post is about

Pretty narcissistic to think I care about you

Responder to my comments says what? 😁

You're projecting now fren!

No I’m just reading

All I'm reading is that the OP fren spilled his crayons and now it's all a mess. Personally I love crayons myself of EVERY color but when they mix they make a gross brown color on the crayons so I don't like that.

That's why I have hundreds of different crayon boxes each filled with the same kind of crayon :D! That way I can keep all my crayons safe and enjoy the wonderful diversity the crayon world provides! How about you fren? How do you like storing your crayons?

This post is very clearly a euphemism for race mixing.

It’s funny, really. You know this post is about race mixing, and I know this post about race mixing, but only I get to say it. You and your buddies have to play crypto word games because honestly expressing your views will rightfully get you shunned from most communities

And because I can to speak honestly, I will. I work in computer science, and I have friends of every race and creed. I’ve learn a lot of things and share a lot of laughs with my foreign friends. I wouldn’t be who I am today if I didn’t get to know them

I know nothing of the sort? I feel sorry for OP that his crayons are not organized...

What do you think of my crayons?

Not my cup of tea but as they say, different strokes for different folks. The mixed brown color looks pretty ew though!

That’s an interesting reply for someone insisting that they aren’t being crypto

Fren, this post is about crayons.


If you are having schizophrenic reaction to this post, you think it is sending you secret messages, consult with a mental health professional.

I don’t think this post is sending me secret messages. I’m saying it’s a euphemism. Because it is.

I would appreciate it if you don’t use a mental condition as an insult. I have a friend with schizophrenia and he is perfectly capable from discerning reality from fiction when he isn’t experiencing an episode. It’s a classless comparison that isn’t very nice

It's very nice, there's nothing worse than allowing a fren to get carried away with his own ideological interpretation. That is your ideological interpretation of the facts, it is a "secret message" that you can see, but if we are reasonable persons, we look and we see a cartoon about mixed crayons, along with a variety of responses.

As you say, your friend can tell reality from fiction if he is not in an episode, so how do you know you are not having a psychotic episode, seeing secret messages in frenly cartoons?

You see, that would be the case if I had just come in here guns blazing and started making accusations. That’s not what happened though.

My very first comment was an innocent reply about dog breeds. If this were a harmless conversation about crayons, the dog comment would have made no sense. It probably would have been ignored. Instead, my inbox was full of replies all of which recognize that the comment was relevant to the conversation. These individuals implicitly admitted that crayons is a euphemism.

I did not bring ideology into this. Those who responded to me did.

This isn’t some wild jump in logic I’m making. This is observation->hypothesis->test->conclusion.

so how do you know you are not having a psychotic episode

Because I live with people who would tell me. Psychotic breaks aren’t exactly hard to identify. The people I live with would know sooner than some stranger on the internet, yet this is the first time I’m hearing of it

You’re deflecting. Plain and simple. You don’t want to acknowledge what is obviously true for your own ideological purposes, whatever they may be

"people responded to my non-frenly bait comment so that proves this sub is white supremist!"

pls no bully, nonfren

Getting caught in a lie isn’t the fault of the person who caught you

Nobody is lying, fren. Go back to clownworld and let us have our little fren club.

Don’t tell me what to do

What will you do about it, fren? Cry to your fellow non-frens?

Why are you being mean now? You’re the buddy dude

i prefer my people (frens) over non-frens (you)

What makes you think I care

Wow there. Those are pretty unfrenly things to say. What's going on big guy?

How so?

We are talking abt doggos here, aren't we? Why are you accusing us of being non-frens?

I didn’t accuse anyone of anything? I let people speak for themselves.

You are currently the one making accusations

conspirational nonsense how predictable

That seems pretty unfrenly, my fren. Im starting to think you may be a non-fren from unfrenly spaces.

What a tragedy. User Currycell92 doesn’t like me. How will I ever recover from this

Why so hyper, fren? I think a timeout will do you gud. Cya later when you feel cozy again, fren.

Thick projection

Hey, don't be using my lines on frens. You need to write your own material, fatty.

I have never heard of you before in my entire life

Ok fatty.

your postulation doesn’t hurt me

Granted, it would take a helluva shot to hurt someone with your excess baggage.

You really don’t understand, do you?

I have a fetish for fat people. You’re turning me on more than anything right now

Hans! Get the frennenwerfer!

What? Did I strike a nerve?

Only one nerve 😏

Are you done LARPing yet?

Depends. LARPing as what?

Hans! Get the frennenwerfer!

Still unsure what you mean. Perhaps you can clarify it.

I don’t know why you guys always play dumb like this. You know what I mean, and I know what you mean. Why do you pretend to be confused?

The people I associate with aren’t nearly this dishonest. But you all seem to be this way. It’s always been like this with you guys

You know what I’m talking about

Listen, I can't be the one to hook you up with that good dick you've been searching for. I have a fiance. Sorry. I just have to be honest with you that this little love-game you are playing with me doesn't end up where you think it's going to.

I have a boyfriend. He’s 300 lbs of hunk and I have no intention of betraying him. Sorry if you got mixed signals from this.

300 lbs is 136.2 kg


Sorry he isn't solving your low sex drive. 300lbs is disgusting. Get yourself a man, not a estrogen filled sac of blobmeat. Drop the weight, and stop being a degenerate.

Mmm. You see, that’s my fetish again

Than why the low sex drive?

Why the presumption?

Am I wrong? Take better care of yourself.

No. It’s probably because of my medical condition honestly. I’ve always been this way. You learn to live with it

medical condition

Being fat is something you can change. You'll feel much better. Plus, you can ditch the loser, and raise a family that won't have to be embarrassed about their hideous blob-parents with no self control. You can do it fren.

No I’m not fat. I have a developmental disorder

I’m not going to leave my best friend because some stranger told me too on his throwaway account lol

You're overweight. Call it what your like. Also this is my main.

Man I wish. The drugs I take for my condition are appetite suppressants though so that doesn’t jive

Who are you trying to convince, me or you?

I’m just setting the record straight. You can believe whatever you want though. God knows you will

Ok chick who... Isn't fat, but has a fat fetish, but has a fat boyfriend, but has low sex drive 😄.

God I love Reddit.

There is absolutely nothing weird about that.

In the feederism community, there are those who are called “feedees” and those who are called “feeder.” I am the latter.

My low sex drive is because of my ADD, which I’ve expressed.

I tell you all this because I’m not bothered by it. I don’t have to LARP and pretend I’m someone I’m not to be comfortable with myself.

Oh shit son. You're a feeder? Holy shit 😄😄😄😄. Fucking degenerate as hell! I love it. That's beyond furry levels.

I can’t help what I’m into nor can anyone else.

I’m glad to have brightened your day. Point and laugh. I don’t care the slightest. If I did I would have lied to you

Fair enough. Enjoy fattening up a mentally I'll person to death, I guess. Jesus Christ 😄

Nah I don’t do that. I’m very open with him and anything we do is consensual. He came to me as a big boy

If you have any other questions about my sex life please feel free to ask. People aren’t usually this curious but I’m in no position to judge

Mentally I'll people do all kinds of shit consensually. You are aware you're killing this retard right?

You make a lot of assumptions about what we’re doing. At which point did I say I’m doing anything that would constitute “killing him”?

We really don’t do much with my fetish outside of occasional roleplaying. I respect him too much to make him change his lifestyle for my own sexual pleasure.

He’s actually trying to drop a couple pounds, and I support him in that. Even if he were thinner I would still love him all the same. He just doesn’t need to be thin for me to love him

I'm not fat

But I have a fat fetish

My boyfriend is fat

But I have a low sex drive

But he's trying to drop a couple pounds


Sex isn’t the most important thing in the world dude

Feederism may be the most degenerate though. Can you imagine having you kids know that you literally fatten people up to get off. I can't imagine what kind of "developmental issue" could produce such a defective person. Clownworld is emanating from you.

Damn you sure like jumping to whatever conclusion pops into your head. I’m noticing a theme.

I don’t really have an opinion of you at all, so it doesn’t matter to me who you imagine me to be

Damn you sure like jumping to whatever conclusion pops into your head.

I like to refer to it as "thinking" or "noticing things." One day, you're going to realize that you fucked up. Probably on the 17th cat.

One day, you’re going to realize that you fucked up


Is this some kind of inflation hentai or something?

I don’t know. Guess you’re on your own for that one

figured i would defer to the experts.

Sounds like a plan. Good luck

Good luck to you on the real. Hopefully you make some progress. Sucks about the developmental disorder.

The fuck is feederism

Read or google

The product of race mixing demonstrates that race mixing is bad

And what is that

Race mixed humans. Abominations.

Clearly you’ve never seen a blasain baby

just look at brazilian frens

As long as they don’t melt in the heat it will be fine. If you melt all the crayons together it all becomes a brownish color. Keep them away from the heat and they will maintain their color.

When crayons mix together the brownish color is icky and looks like poo. That's why I keep hundreds of boxes of different colored crayons but each box only has ONE color. That way I can keep the diversity of my crayon collection preserved!

Fren you’re a genius

Well now you have a cocktail fren

it's okay fren-here, let me help u fix it :)


put then back on their place, mixed colors looks ugly

Don't worry, fren, you can always pick them up and put them back where they came from.

Its okay, just pick them up and put them separately back in the box.

But fren, think about how cheap the new crayons will be! You'll be able to buy more mix colored brown crayons and maximize the amount of low quality drawings you can make!

If we don't spill the crayons now, I will never get free paper for life when I turn 67.

Unfortunately, brown crayons suck up taxes and rape white crayons.

This is why r/Topmindsofreddit and r/againsthatesubreddits think we're white supremacists

If you're not a white supremacist you're the one who's missing the point, fren

Because they spill crayons?

No because they masquerade the post as spilling crayons when it's actually about diversity silly fren

I don't get it. What do crayons have to do with diversity?

The different colors represent different ethnicities

How do you figure?

because of crayons

imagine thinking they have valuable opinions 😂😂😂😂

Okay. This doesn’t demonstrate that race mixing is bad. At all.

Unfortunately, many breeders, as well as non-frenz, do not practice this often enough, leading to problems.

Conspiratorial nonsense. How predictable

Pretty narcissistic to think I care about you

Granted, it would take a helluva shot to hurt someone with your excess baggage.

Man I wish. The drugs I take for my condition are appetite suppressants though so that doesn’t jive