Uhm frens, i want to be frens and be unnonfrended. I am a new fren hopefully

37  2019-05-30 by khajiit_trader


Just post frens and be frenly. That’s all there is to it.

Okay fren, i hope to be seen as a fren!

Is there some reason frens shouldn’t accept you as a fren?

I just saw posts about nonfrens coming here and i dont want to be seen as one

Is okay, you seem very frenly!

Oh i am flattered to be seen as that fren, thank you!

Cookies before bed is unhealthy, fren.

But warm milkie and cookie taste yummy fren

Milkie okay but you should have cookie at least two hour before beds time for a healthy fren :)

Alright fren, i'll try eating cookie earlier and be a healty fren, fren

Cuddles with kitty are the best, fren

Yush, i agree fren, kitty is a guud fren

Bears are somewhat frens. Frens-lite one might say.

Welcome fren, remember to always be frenly even to the nonfrens, they don’t understand us. Failing that bop em.

Uhhmm im sorry for this fren, but what does bopping mean specifically, bc i might have some idea already but i need frenly confirmation fren

Sure fren; bopping or to bop means to bop them good.

Hope that helps.

That helped maybe, but thank you anyways fren, and thank for the frenly welcome

That helped maybe, but thank you anyways fren, and thank for the frenly welcome