i found a pillager invading my home what should i do with it frens?

138  2019-05-30 by Gezora



Bop the nonfren like its hot

Here in Texas we have a frenly lil law called Castle Doctrine — if a non fren steps on your property, you bop them

Provide a swift bop!

Bop n’ deport


it looks like a dangerous non fren to me too, but you have an anti bop helmet and a bopping tool so i think you may be ok.

build a wall fren, walls work

Make him a fren

Why are people down voting you fren, this is clearly this most freaky thing to do

Kill him, but make sure not to take his banner fren!

Why not fren, I’ve been hanging em all over my walls

It only attracts more pillagers who may raid a nearby village

watch out for the bad omen fren!

give him some emeralds and a house, he will feel at home in no time