I’m really struggling in school, frens. I’m not good at history but I’m good at math. The better I get at math it seems the less history makes sense. My favorite parts of the day is lunch and recess. I’m glad I have lots of frens here to make me feel better. Thanks, frens.

153  2019-05-29 by ser-of-cannabis


I did the math but history just doesnt add up


I love history fren! What are you studying?

Probably not WW2, it’s really overstudied. The Göktürks are more interesting I’d say, tho parts of WW2 are really interesting like the siege of Tobruk or how the USA was able to get away with heinous imperialist acts as evetwas too focused on the war to care.

They say the winners get to write the history. I imagine the winners generously rounded up numbers and exaggerated them to the point of absurdity

Seems like you've got a very big mind fren. But you're not mean like those other topminds. I like you fren.

Thanks, fren.

Non-frens don't want frens to be good at math or science. You are a good fren for being so smart.

Thanks, fren. At school they all say I’m dumb since some things don’t make sense to me.

That's very unfrenly of them. They should accept the solutions that you have for them, then everyone would be smarter.

When I take my math tests I’m always the first to put down the final solution and turn it in for grading but they still hate on me.

“The better I get at math the less history makes sense”

“Put down the final solution”

this is literal holocaust denial

“frenworld isn’t a hate subreddit” yeah right bud

B o p

They all say you’re dumb cause you are fucking dumb.

Please be kind, fren. This is frenworld.


If someone says you're dumb, they're an asshole.

If everyone says you're dumb, you're probably just dumb.


Who wouldn't want someone to be good at math or science?

Just push through high school, fren. If/when you go to college, you get more freedom to take courses you're good at and avoid ones you don't like. It's a lot better.

If/when you go to college

Lol good luck with that

I've got my BS with a couple of minors, so I don't need that luck anymore.

Lol sure thing fren

Most universities don't have very high standards.

Also, reminder that Trump graduated from an ivy league university.

True but I somehow doubt that OP is lavilshly wealthy and can just money his way into college. But OP might pull it off if he does the CC-->transfer route.

don't worry I'm sure the long nose frens will have no problem loaning OP some money for school


I’m sure you have more than a couple of minors on your computer.

Yep, just turn an innocent conversation into something about pedophilia. Sounds like a frenly thing to do. And you morons talk about us like we're the ones stirring up hatred and making the world worse.


I'm doing the same problem fren.

The answer at the back of the book seems to say 6,000,000, but when I do the math myself I only seem to get 250,000 at most!


Let's pretend it was 250k and not 6mil. How is that no longer a horrific genocide? Why is 250k suddenly fine? Pls answer fren :d

Who said anything about genocide fren? I am just doin' math problems here.

Have you taken the usage of mass graves in consideration?

Could you share your estimation techniques here? It's interesting that you have managed some legitimate research which demonstrates a lot of previous estimates to be incorrect. Are you going to publish your findings anywhere?

Sure, by my estimations, you are in dire need of a severe BOP!

Fren should look up nizkor project.

what problem is this? how does everyone seem to know a high school problem? and usually when i've solved problems, i'm off by a factor of 2 or 10, not 24. what sort of mistake can you make to go from 250,000 to 6,000,000?

My teachers always get angry when I point this out :(

Probably because it's retarded

You idiots are cringey as fuck.

>lurking a sub just to get offended

Who hurt you?

realizing this entire sub is the culmination of years of internet conservatives being offended by an imaginary liberal caricature they made up

fully expanded brain

being offended by an imaginary caricature they made up


What's ironic about it you fucking bitch? Explain it to me, preferably as a 5 year old. Go to a college campus anywhere and act like a retard and watch how many people just ignore you. No one gives a fuck about your freedom to say stupid fucking shit.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

I think it's not about the cartoon, but people denying the holocaust happened.

people denying the holocaust happened

What's wrong with that?

That means there is an fundamental disagreement on what the world is. It wouldn't be a problem if we didn't have to deal with each other, but we do have to work together to make this nation work.

It would be the same if I would say Islamic terrorism doesn't exist, history is written by the victor and all the sources are made up.

Honest question: what could convince these guys that Islamic terrorism is real?

but we do have to work together to make this nation work

Says who?

lol what's your plan?

Who said I had a plan?

I just disagree with working together.

You don’t think people should work together to reach a common goal?

Only if they are the same race.

Why can’t frens of different colors work together?

Man you are really immature. Hopefully, when you grow up, you grow out of it.


Why should anyone listen to your inane thoughts?

Why not?

Because the idea that a society shouldn't work together towards a common goal is stupid on it's face, and if you don't have a reason why people should listen to you, how do you expect to convince anyone?

The only society I'd support working together in is a racially homogeneous society.


Because you wouldn't be there.

I get it, it's frightening to be confronted with the idea that maybe you have no idea why you think what you think.

Listen, I used to be a liberal. Used to support that multicultural, multiracial bullshit.

Not anymore.

Just because you say it doesn't mean you're completely wrong.

Do you even know why you think these things? Are you able to ask yourself that question?

Again, I know it's hard and frightening to confront your own thoughts, but we're big boys right?

I don't need to explain anything to you.

I know you don't. But I bet you'd like the ability to articulate your thoughts. I have it, it's satisfying to be able to explain your state of mind and defend it rationally. I hope you find the ability to do so one day.

We're probably the same race though.

Why would my presence be something you wouldn't want in your society? You don't know anything about my views. What does my presence have to do with racial homogeneity?


Fren where'd you go? :(


Can you answer the question first? Then I promise I will give a great answer to yours

You are not entitled to an answer from me.

Yeah, you definitely sound like someone perfectly able to defend his beliefs.

No one cares at all.

Thats obvious, doesn't make you less incompetent tough

No one cares at all.

Pity you don't care about yourself

That's right, get the last word in you dirty slut.

But I get your frustration. We can talk about it. My bet is it would make you feel a lot better! <3


So sorry to see you go fren!

B o p p e d

Being an Eagles fan, this has me smiling... by AristonD

in PublicFreakout

[–]LimpSwimming 0 points 3 days ago [–]HafWoods

[-8] 3 points 1 month ago Thanks for your illuminating take.

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[–]LimpSwimming 0 points 4 days ago [–]LimpSwimming 0 points 1 day ago Why are you so mad?

I have to necro and find out why you're so angry bro.

Sick homophobic slurs dawg.

That's what you came here to say?

More edgy the the tools used to pull the gold teeth out of kikes...not that the holocaust happened of course..

What I've found fren is that with math you just have to know how it works. Like as long as you know how addition works you can find the answer for the problem. Whereas with history there is no core concept to remember. You just have to remember what happened, you can't "solve" for it. But that's just my take fren, I hope it helps

I’m the direct opposite. History is easy, while math is hard. Fortunately, math can make you a lot of shekels fren.

'history is easy' ah I wish I was as knowledgable as you good sir.

Well i got my major in history and suck at math...how can i help you fren?


It was 6 million

What was 6 million?

What are you talking about fren?


Fren, did you know that history is a genre of literature and nobody is compelled to believe in historical facts? It is tenable to deny the existence of historical facts. Where are they? It is called historical nihilism, it is a position held by some academic frenosophers.

Compulsory accession to history is servitude, odious servitude.

The only time is now. The past and future do not exist.

You are too smart for me, fren.

I have the exact opposite problem fren, maybe we can help eachother

Not only "fren" are you dumb but you might be retarded. I sincerely hope you don't breed, your classmates were right, go fuck yourself.

You guys are all pieces of shit and I hope everyone of you is subjected to the same pains as every person you denied has ever died in the Holocaust


Do you have a coherent argument with the "math" backing your beliefs that you can show us, or do you just hide behind layers of sarcasm?

My teachers always get angry when I point this out :(

You idiots are cringey as fuck.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

Let's pretend it was 250k and not 6mil. How is that no longer a horrific genocide? Why is 250k suddenly fine? Pls answer fren :d

Have you taken the usage of mass graves in consideration?

That's right, get the last word in you dirty slut.

Could you share your estimation techniques here? It's interesting that you have managed some legitimate research which demonstrates a lot of previous estimates to be incorrect. Are you going to publish your findings anywhere?

Fren should look up nizkor project.

what problem is this? how does everyone seem to know a high school problem? and usually when i've solved problems, i'm off by a factor of 2 or 10, not 24. what sort of mistake can you make to go from 250,000 to 6,000,000?

Listen, I used to be a liberal. Used to support that multicultural, multiracial bullshit.

Not anymore.