Why do nonfrens hate so much?

271  2019-05-29 by catholicgirl14


SErious talk thoe why do PPL think this its a preety wholesome subreddit from what ive seen so far

Once in a far far far while someone posts a not so frenly post here and top minds jump on this on post as an evidence, neglecting the other hundreds of harmless frenly posts

But it's still upvoted by the majority of people on this sub. Also 4chan is known for being extreme right wing, and the pepe symbol is used by them, so its guilty by association, maybe. Also any sub that bans users for one comment pointing out issues is pretty bad, considering one of the major conservative ideas is freedom of speech.


It's interesting, they all do this, I wonder if they are an AI and we're being had.

Like, they all seem to get into this loop where they start issuing imperatives. I mean, if I am chatting with someone online, which I have done for years, if I am done chatting, I just stop typing to them, or I say "well, it's been a slice!" and end it. There's something defective about people who end a conversation by saying "BE QUIET," it's like they believe in parental authority and that they're our parents or something. Ironic because "progressives" are supposed to reject paternalism.

Let's see, what have I had

"Stop replying"

"Stop being a coward"

"Kill yourself"

They're really nice people, you know, it's not that they're violent, domineering scumsuckers, no no no, they're nice, we just force them to be violent, domineering scumsuckers by being so objectionable. Riiight.

It’s why the NPC meme is so great. It’s because it’s true.

It's because their worldview doesn't allow for infinite tendies and they are jealous of ours.

Well, if they control things, there are no tendies, look at the famines in USSR. So, they are projecting their faults onto 'the world'---frens have developed systems to produce enough tendies for everyone, but nonfrens don't want everyone to have tendies, they only want the "right people" to be fed tendies, everyone else should starve to death.

These guys will literally call you subhuman, because everyone who doesn't share their political views is basically life unworthy of life---they execute us if they could, starve us if they could, because they are very, very unfrenly people who are only comfortable around nonfrens, they hate frens because frens don't need them---but they need frens, that is why they keep us around, they are incapable of surviving without us, because they do not have any capacity to maintain industrial civilization on their own. Frens, however, built the whole world, from Rome to New York to Beijing.

hahaha, your so frenly they keep replying

Their hatred will be overpowered by our frenly love!

Ask them what’s their favorite food

You’ll become frens

They have closed minds fren, once they have decided someone is an enemy they do not care about the truth, only persecution.

Hi fren I'm Catholic too! 🤗

Username does not check out

Probably eastern orthodox 😂

Nah, probably a HERETIC! BOP!

Only God can judge me.

They have silly brain fren.

I see catholic I upvote,

Keep on being frenly!

Thanks fren!

“Stop replying.” Lol

How are we ‘nazis’? We are frenly, nothing else

You always can spot the non frens when they use the term "lowkey"


Ha ha, they said stop replying. I sure hope you complied, fren.

There are some terrible people on this sub but mostly it is many people being frenly

I mean they did kind of correctly call you out lol, though the stop replying bit makes them look dumb for sure. I have to say cute frogs is definitely a bit of a misrepresentation, unless you have peon IQ.

But it's still upvoted by the majority of people on this sub. Also 4chan is known for being extreme right wing, and the pepe symbol is used by them, so its guilty by association, maybe. Also any sub that bans users for one comment pointing out issues is pretty bad, considering one of the major conservative ideas is freedom of speech.