
763  2019-05-29 by ExpertSurprise


no frens need be kept out

She top meanie tho, says making tendies is opreshion. What kind of fren doesnt like making tendies?

I personally love serving people and helping them out with domestic stuff, I don't think there's anything wrong with being frenly and feeding people, feeding people is a privilege, not a burden, unless you're lazy/low energy.

Only in clown world could helping and doing nice things for frens and family be twisted to be considered opressive or beneath you. Glad to see you havent taken the honk pill on this issue fren!

Fren, honkler needs to eat, so do the little honklers!

She top meanie tho, says making tendies is opreshion. What kind of fren doesnt like making tendies?

bad no frens

I like how the nonfren is concentrated there, far from good frens

#8 is the perfect number of frens

I rate this an 8/8

5/7, perfect score

Npc teir meme

pleb-tier speling

8/8 = 88

Hmmmmm intriguing

8/8 = 1. I hope you are still in elementary school Fren.

Hashtag meme is forced

No one forced me to do this, what u talking about fren?

I’ve never met a blue haired fren. The blue hairs are always nonfrens in my experience.

It's a mental illness. Stay away if you want to be comfy.

I've been gone for a while, fren. What is with all the hashed brown?

One more thing... what's the number 8 all about?

And I thought I was caught up on all my meme numbers.

# is the next 👌🏻


"omg hate sub reeeee"

BINGO. I win.


Needs a space or backslash first fren

Oh, god FORBID we let anyone be our friends. Good grief. Y’all need to see why we shouldn’t divide people by groups. I’ll leave the here https://youtu.be/vGAqYNFQdZ4

State propaganda? Really? Dont make me laugh nonfren!

Are you happy, Montag? ‘Cause you’re acting like a good little fireman right now

Who Montag? I'm u/ExpertSurprise

Y’all need to read. I really think you’d like Fahrenheit 451

That's the worst by far of the dystopic type novels. Brave new world best captured what it's like to live in clown world.

Thank you for being a fren. Travelled down the road, and back again. Your heart is true, You're a pal and a confidant