Repent sinners or burn in hell for all eternity

896  2019-05-28 by FoxDieEeE


Frens vult


It’s high time we had another fren-sade

let's go on a crew-sade with the boys

then we will establish the frenostate

Self-determination for fens, NOW!

Will there be tendies, fren?

Kek wills it!

Our fren, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is on heaven. Give us this stay our daily tendie, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive nonfrens who trespass against us, and lead not into temptation, but deliver us from nonfrens, amen.

All hail Pope Frenulous the First!

Sons of Kekistan, my frens,

I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.

A day may come when the courage of men fails,

when we forsake our frens

and break all bonds of frenship,

but it is not this day.

An hour of wolves and shattered shields,

when the age of frens comes crashing down,

but it is not this day!

This day we fight!!

By all that you hold dear on this good Earth,

I bid you stand, Frens of the West!!!

Praise Jesus! The best fren of all!

jesus treated everyone like a fren no matter who they were :)) he is my fren and yours

Actually, he whipped the money-changers out of the temple and turned over their tables. That is what got him killed.

He could walk on water, heal the sick, turn water into wine and everything was OK, but once he cut into the filthy moneychangers' bottom line, they had to have him killed.

Those money changers don't sound like frenly people.

I think us fens should be on alert.

They're not. Nobody knows how nonfrens came about, but the theory is that they were frens to begin with, then they got isolated in a desert. They got sickly and they started inbreeding and that's how nonfrens were created, because they were too sickly to leave the dessert, so they inbred and developed very bad traits. Eventually, they managed to leave the desert, but the damage was done---to survive in the desert, they had to lie, cheat and steal, because it didn't have enough resources.

Wow, this is just ridiculous

Fren the genome is very stable if animals have a good environment, but in a bad environment, only bad traits can survive.

If there is enough food, everyone is happy. If there is not enough food, then they start lying, cheating and stealing and this causes genetic damage, because people end up inbreeding for lying, cheating and stealing because it is the only way to survive scarcity.

The real question is how many generations of proper environment it would take for nonfrens to produce healthy offspring again, but if the nonfrens are constantly lying, cheating and being violent, trying to censor people who tell people they're lying, then it's a matter of how many generations we can tolerate such behavior.

Some nonfrens actually believe that there is only one Supreme Being and that he is their fren but not everyone else's fren. Can you believe it??

Where is there evidence of this happening? I can't think of one peoples that are starved out and have different genes that make them resort to lying and stealing more than other people.

Selection in the desert is for IQ, selection in the jungle is for running fast.

Sure, but what about selection in a northern climate with enough food, but where due to the climate people have to work together to provide shelter, they cannot just use the fiction of "oh, it's warm here, we can just turf out the outliers!" In northern climates in winter that would have been easily a death-sentence, overnight.

jesus didn't fuck around

They tried to kill him, but he is the first and the last, he is impossible to kill---so the nonfrens have settled on trying to make people think he doesn't exist, like it is "cool" to deny the existence of the son of god!

Knowing that Jesus got pissed and starting flipping tables while rocking his Birkenstock’s makes me so happy for some reason, Jesus was quite an amazing fren

Don't forget that he made a whip out of ropes and literally horse-whipped the money-changers out of the temple.

This was after he rode into Jerusalem as a King, on a Horse. He rode into town and he enforced the law and they killed him for it.

Jesus was a budhist monk who was hebrew washed and had his legacy made kosher in order to spread the mind virus known a Christianity that is easily controlled by non-frens.


WHOSOEVER would be saved / needeth before all things to hold fast the Catholic Faith.

2 Which Faith except a man keep whole and undefiled, / without doubt he will perish eternally.

3 Now the Catholic Faith is this, / that we worship one God in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity;

4 Neither confusing the Persons, / nor dividing the Substance.

5 For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, / another of the Holy Ghost;

6 But the Godhead of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost is all one, / the glory equal, the majesty co-eternal.

7 Such as the Father is, such is the Son, / and such is the Holy Ghost;

8 The Father uncreated, the Son uncreated, the Holy Ghost uncreated;

9 The Father infinite, the Son infinite, the Holy Ghost infinite;

10 The Father eternal, the Son eternal, the Holy Ghost eternal;

11 And yet there are not three eternals, but one eternal;

12 As also there are not three uncreated, nor three infinites, / but one infinite, and one uncreated.

13 So likewise the Father is almighty, the Son almighty, / the Holy Ghost almighty;

14 And yet there are not three almighties, but one almighty.

15 So the Father is God, the Son God, the Holy Ghost God;

16 And yet there are not three Gods, / but one God.

17 So the Father is Lord, the Son Lord, / the Holy Ghost Lord;

18 And yet there are not three Lords, / but one Lord.

19 For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity / to confess each Person by himself to be both God and Lord;

20 So are we forbidden by the Catholic Religion / to speak of three Gods or three Lords.

21 The Father is made of none, / nor created, nor begotten.

22 The Son is of the Father alone; / not made, nor created, but begotten.

23 The Holy Ghost is of the Father and the Son; / not made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding.

24 There is therefore one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; / one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts.

25 And in this Trinity there is no before or after, / no greater or less;

26 But all three Persons are co-eternal together, / and co-equal.

27 So that in all ways, as is aforesaid, / both the Trinity is to be worshipped in Unity, and the Unity in Trinity.

28 He therefore that would be saved, / let him thus think of the Trinity.

29 FURTHERMORE, it is necessary to eternal salvation, / that he also believe faithfully the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

30 Now the right Faith is that we believe and confess / that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is both God and Man.

31 He is God, of the Substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds; / and he is Man, of the Substance of his Mother, born in the world;

32 Perfect God; / perfect Man, of reasoning soul and human flesh subsisting;

33 Equal to the Father as touching his Godhead;/ less than the Father as touching his Manhood.

34 Who although he be God and Man, / yet he is not two, but is one Christ;

35 One, however, not by conversion of Godhead into flesh, / but by taking of Manhood into God;

36 One altogether; / not by confusion of Substance, but by unity of Person.

37 For as reasoning soul and flesh is one man, so God and Man is one Christ;

38 Who suffered for our salvation, / descended into hell, rose again from the dead;

39 Ascended into heaven, sat down at the right hand of the Father, / from whence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

40 At whose coming all men must rise again with their bodies, / and shall give account for their own deeds.

41 And they that have done good will go into life eternal; / they that have done evil into eternal fire.

42 THIS is the Catholic Faith, / which except a man do faithfully and stedfastly believe, he cannot be saved.

GLORY be to the Father, and to the Son, / and to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, / world without end. Amen.

Yes fren I read all of thag and am big Catholic now

Remember, Fren, Catholic doesn't mean Roman Catholic, it means Universal. There is free salvation for everyone who wants it, who doesn't reject the give of the All-Fren! He loves you so much that he wants you to be free of the nonfrens, to trod them down under your feet!

The Catholic Faith is just the Universal Faith.

The Catholic Faith is just the Universal Faith.

Maybe you can explain this a bit more fren.

Why pinned fren?

because frenworld is quite clearly a wink-wink nudge-nudge white supremacy forum



Most Catholics ain't white fren


what a strange comment from a non-white supremacist forum

Uh oh guys, look out, the faggots are out in full force.

BLOCKED, kid, maybe scuttle back to your little tree fort next time you think you can hash it with he big kids 😎.

are you a real person that people enjoy being around

Quite so. People say I can’t get through life on a silver tongue but it’s been working so far.

Must be a FolgersCoffee fan...

we call out the person not the community

Sounds like you're just white supremacistphobic

yes, they are scum

Are you a neon not-see nosefren?

you need to put your white supremacy posts and your frenworld posts on different accounts

what white supremacy posts fren? I don't have any

Two people downvoted you. Two

seems to be a lot more now, weird

i wonder what kind of forum would have supporters of white supremacy as the clear majority party

Because you equated being catholic to being a white supremacist and are quite clearly here with non frenly intentions, go away non fren you are not needed here

being catholic is fine, being part of a white supremacy forum with dozens of barely coded references to white supremacist ideology is not

There are no codes non fren you guys are associating everything so its your fault if you associate everything with white supremacy

weird, since identifying coded white supremacist talking points here is like shooting fish in a barrel once you know what it looks like

“Coded white supremacy” you guys look way too much into things, no one is sending morse code containing messages saying that they are getting off to the idea of a white ethno state. Its all frenly here, once you start making stuff up about white supremacy where there isnt any you just start looking like a fool who needs to be offended and will offend themselves to do it.

mate you are quite clearly younger than the rest of the white supremacist wink-nudge folks here. I hope the best for you on getting out of this hole.

i encourage you to watch the contrapoints video i posted above and get back to me. The only prerequisite is that you don't accept the premise that whites are superior before you press the play button

Not much needs to be said to this response

"I don't see any white supremacy speak here, also I will make no effort to understand how white supremacy speak exists in plain sight"

good luck with your eventual conversion, guy

You dont need to make an effort to recognize where a person stands politically and if you do then you are either making a political position up for him or essentially taking their position and ignoring it so you can push a political agenda.

And ill pass on “conversion” cause i am content with my political standing which i still havent mentioned here

you don't need to mention it, you are obviously a young person in the middle stages of embracing white supremacy, but are not yet aware of the recruiting tools you are falling for yet

luckily white supremacists are actually really bad at coding their shit so it's really obvious once you catch on

see below

Alright according to you im a white supremacist, its like the J.K Rowling meme of “You are actually gay”. But yeah im completely unaware of the white supremacist tools of memes and bants as the main sources of propaganda. And following your logic you are a communist, i dont need to explain why but you are one.


ok what are the fucking coded messages


If you smell shit everywhere you go, check your shoe.

Fren, repent or perish, your "white supremacist" neologism is a product of Satan possessing your nervous system.

I adjure you, Satan, in the name of the Lord of Heaven and Earth, Jesus Christ, by his blood and body I command you to leave this fren alone! Heal his sickly mind of its white supremacist spotting psychosis! Fill him with divine grace and lead him into all truth!

Imagine not understanding satire and having your head so far up your own ass that you come to this sub to jerk off in the comments. u/croissants , take this fat fuckin L

No white supremacy here. Just frens supporting one another and Apu!

I think frens are like crayons! I love crayons of every color! each in their own separate box so I don't mix them up by accident! :D

what a weird comment to see on a forum that totally isn't about white supremacy


That way we help all color frens

Can he tell which black kids will rape and commit murder at age 12?

what a weird comment to see from a user on a forum that totally isn't about white supremacy

hey fren, you're making a fool of yourself btw

why is that men so unfrenly

our 40% frens can be very mentally unstable. We must wish them the best!



Gross, Contrapoints is literally demonic



Bop the unfrenly! Frens vult!

Deus vult.

I repent, father

Your sins are forgiven. Go in peace and sin no more.

Thank you fren and father


Is that the AoE priest thing? If so props

Yes fren


i sorry

This is not frenly, we need to welcome frens of all kind

Fren, the only communities in the world that accept frens of all kinds are Christian communities---Christianity is really the only system in the world that posits that none of us are fit to judge who is in, who is out, that is not our place, because Christ decided that we are all to be frens and refrain from judging one another. But that does not mean that we do not judge the world---frens who wish to remain in the world instead of being translated into Christ, they have selected their fate.

Sikh and Hindu frens too brother!

I have a lot of respect for the sikh and the hindu and also the Zoroastrian Persians.

stop people are going to tAkE ThIS sErIouSLy!!1

I am quite serious, fren.

The hour is getting late.

I'm saved and accept Jesus Christ as my savior fren.

who /orthofren/ here?

Used to be, fren


I'm an atheist.


Atheist frens are allowed in fren world as long as their atheism is private and not manipulated by nose frens to hurt fren world.

Deception... Christianity is a very dangerous virus of the mind. Makes frens think out-group non-frens deserve salvation; egalitarian at its core.

There is no god fren

He got real frenly in my bum when I was 7

those priests are real Christians you know. If this actually isn’t a joke, tell someone and get this priest in jail

Issa joke

Honestly, I think that a good church education is better than a public school socialist education, IMO the evidence of the effects of sexual molestation of males is that it doesn't matter much, in Ancient Greece a boy's balls would get fondled if he met an older male, and if the older male didn't fondle his balls, the boy would wonder what he did wrong.

Part of the problem is that we don't get reports of what the content of the sex acts is. Is it 90% buggery, 10% genital touching, or is it 10% buggery, 90% genital touching?

We're all going to be abused one way or another, I'd rather be abused for five minutes by the priest after confession than abused every day in my public school.

What the fuck did I just read.

what did you read i’m curious now that it’s deleted

Sexual repression or freedom, pick one!

Frens vult

The C*tholic churh is not particularly friendly but I'm not hardline against it, however I implore you, as a fren, to look into Eastern Orthodoxy.

Muslim fren here but I also like Jesus!

I approve of this meme

why the violence fren?

Hell is something you bring upon your self for using your free will to not live according to logos. God gave your freedom to reject logos but that also means freedom to burn in hell for eternity.

Hello fellow Catholic frens hope to see you at Mass this Sunday :)

Peace be with you fren

And with thy spirit fren

Tradcat Frens unite!

Can I confess?

All pay heed!

Now enters his holiness, Torquemada, the grand inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition!

Torquemada: do not implore him for compassion!

Torquemada: do not beg him for forgiveness!

Torquemada: do not ask him for mercy!

Let's face it... you can't talk 'em outta anything!

This but unironicly

All those with the Stain of mortal sin divided from the one body shall perish, those with venial sins and making no contrition for them shall likewise not be spared in the judgment. The night is waning and your time is short ready the way frens

Legacy lives on. Individualism is what's killing us, and Christianity's promise of everlasting kingdom come promotes just that kind of thinking. It overvalues the individual at the potential cost of future generations. Salvation is not found in heaven, but in solace that you were part of an unbroken chain able to proliferate future generations; your decendents.

The everlasting kingdom is not something far off its something that will be very near. Christ doesn't call for Individualism you are a subject of the king and a member of the kingdom.

Salvation won't be here, heaven and earth are both passing away.

Christ promises salvation of the soul. He is a danger to your biological interests; see Mark 10:29-30 for an example.

Christianity brought us to this day and age through the past millenia or so but that was in a time of low technology and therefore low mobility for groups. The conditions have changed and we now face challenges that Christianity seemingly are unable to handle.

Then again, if you're unable to conceptualize religion as evolutionary memetics then we don't have much to converse about.

The Emperors Holy Frenquisition

I accidentally bopped someone’s Minecraft dog once :(

Hi fren

Educaichun time!
Dr. Edward Dutton on religion viewed from the point of evolutionary anthropology:

Episode 2: Atheists are mutants -

Episode 15: faith and cognition -

Episode 26: Americans and religiosity -

BONUS Episode 14: Religion as evolutionary strategy of in-group (a certain group) -

The Pope has a track record of submitting to the left. Which is only natural as the church seeks to bring salvation to all people...

But.. I like the buddhist philosphy...

the pope is a nonfren

All you have to do is convert to Catholicism or else. So peaceful. Thank you fren.

Fren, the Athefrenian Creed is supported by Orthodox, Protestant and many other sorts of frens. The Roman Church is not the only Church, it just "got there first" in many places.

Fren why wouldn't you want your soul saved fren

Why wouldn't you want your boyhole to be ravaged by a middle-aged priest, fren.

There's no evidence that god is frenly. Chaos, famine, disease and disaster are built into the structure of the universe. This frenliest fren invented parasitic wasps, childhood leukemia and viruses. He is all powerful, yet permits hell to exist, a place of infinite pain for finite errors. He created man sick then commanded him to be well.

Your god is no fren.

evil exists and therefore God is evil

Good argument nonfren

So do reject the concept of a god or do you just think he's an asshole?


Don't forget that he made a whip out of ropes and literally horse-whipped the money-changers out of the temple.

This was after he rode into Jerusalem as a King, on a Horse. He rode into town and he enforced the law and they killed him for it.

You dont need to make an effort to recognize where a person stands politically and if you do then you are either making a political position up for him or essentially taking their position and ignoring it so you can push a political agenda.

And ill pass on “conversion” cause i am content with my political standing which i still havent mentioned here

Alright according to you im a white supremacist, its like the J.K Rowling meme of “You are actually gay”. But yeah im completely unaware of the white supremacist tools of memes and bants as the main sources of propaganda. And following your logic you are a communist, i dont need to explain why but you are one.