Gooby frens...I’ve supported this sub to the ends of the earth, but after lots of thought and digging, I have come to the conclusion that the rumors are true. I cannot be a part of frenworld any longer. I just wanted cuddly, innocent frenship without politics, but it was all an illusion.

3  2019-05-28 by RonaldBump98


I think you are looking for r/aww.

They don’t use apu

No, but it's the most bland least-edgy facebook tier sub out there. Might be more up your alley

The only good thing about the attacks from unfrenly subs is that it has show us who the real frens are. Real frens don’t give up on frenworld

May you please link a single 'hate' post with more than 50 upvotes?

Like this one talking about how women are inferior to men? Read OP’s comments. It was even pinned by the mods.

Biologically men's brains are larger, that doesn't mean women are dumber though.

Not according to OP...

So you’ve seen it too...why would mods sticky this post? It’s clearly not being talked about for educational purposes...

It's saying men and women are equal because we have evolved together

I agree with you that men and women are equal, but the actual post is being used to demonize women. The OP and several others commented very disturbing things

It's not saying that though

It's implying that though

Does your toaster sometimes make sounds that disturb you? Maybe if you unplugged it, instead of arguing with it, all would be well.

Also the new “hashtag” symbol posts

It stands in place of an H. It means honk honk which is a really passive meme compared to the eViL aLt ReIcH


Have you read the discussions on other posting sites though? They’re trying to make it into a hate symbol so twitter can’t use it

We're talking about Reddit

Lol, you finally figured it out?

Yeeees, another “fren” who just can’t be part of frenworld anymore. The “evidence” is just too overwhelming. Why do these cucks feel the need to leave us goodbye notes? GTFO nonfren! The sub will be better without your hatred and bigotry. Fren culture was doing fine before you and will be fine long after you’re gone.

I still love you fren. Just want other frens who are not aware to know what is going on here

Fren, if you loved them, you wouldn't want to change them with this passive aggressive goodbye note. You don't like some of the artwork here, fine, the artwork has no meaning in itself, it is a mirror: when you look in a mirror, you're seeing your own reflection, not the mirror.

Fren, there are a lot of secrets here. Like the new “hashtag” hate symbol for example. I’m just giving a fair warning to my other frens who may not know. I would never want to be any kind of aggressive to you nor would I ever want to control anyone

Fren, the first step to unfrenly controlling of fre in an unfrenly way is to create symbols and then attack everyone who disagrees about the symbols. The hashtag is not a hate symbol, it is just a 4 lines. What a fren sees when he sees that symbol says more about him that it says about the four lines.

And we all want to control others, that is part of life, the issue is not control vs. no control, the issue is frenly control vs. unfrenly control.

For example, censoring art, or putting up a pretext to censor art, by calling it "hate" is unfrenly. Bopping a nonfren censor on the nose, on the other hand, is quite frenly, it's called self-defense.

Unfortunately, many nonfrens are extremely ill, and they use the symbols to navigate, for example, they need the red light to tell them to stop and the greenlight to tell them to go, because they have no natural capacity to know when to stop and when to go. So, they think these symbols mean a lot, because they require them to survive. But for most of us frens, we know a cigar is just a cigar. If someone thinks a cigar represents a penis, that tells you about him, not the cigar.

Fren I find it concerning that you think life is about controlling people. Most people don’t think like that...

Fren, control is a part of life, it's not all about control, but we control eachother in all sorts of ways, from facial expressions to verbal commands. Even simple things like walking down a sidewalk, two people are going to collide if they keep on a straight path, so there is a very interesting system of control that emerges there---some people bluff and walk directly into you, to force you to move. Some people move halfway and then hope you move halfway. All sorts of different ways of walking, controlling oneself and others.

There’s nothing “going on here”. It’s a place to post frens, tell stories, make jokes and have fun. Upvote posts you like. Downvote posts you don’t like. There’s an edgy joke once in awhile but this is by no means a hateful sub. Maybe your ideas and personal politics aren’t being reflected enough here because you’re used to echo chambers. That’s fine. I hope you find another sub that 100% reflects all your views right back to you so you can feel empowered or whatever you’re needing.

I used to say exactly what you’re saying to other people, until I found out the truth

Ok, bud. I honestly hope you find a place that’s a better fit. I apologize for being a dick about it. I’m just tired of seeing the same “I’m leaving” posts over and over. It’s getting old.

Probably then, you should ask yourself why they are leaving

I think you're just a pussy OP.

I still love you


That's not reason to abandon your frens but if you believe it is right decision I wish you luck on your journeys fren.


Another fren falling for nonfrennunist lies.

I love unique subs and thought this was just a sub with a weird, funny meme format. I’ve even made it on the front page a couple times here...but every comment on this post proves that it was just a hate sub all along

No hate sub here, ur just a hateful nonfren

I am a loving fren. Even now I don’t hate any of you. I just can’t be a part of this

You must have some amount of hate in your heart to call us frens hateful. I'd assume much of what you've been taught to believe is loving and frenly is actually quite nonfrenly and destructive.

It's not ur fault, this sick society we live in breeds lots of nonfrenly people. And even if they want to be frenly, like you, many can never get rid of their nonfrenly priors.

Even now, I forgive you

Fren, you have no power to forgive, you are acting above your paygrade.

And I hope the best for you

Thank you for your unsolicited hope, fren!

Dang goy, sad to see you go

I still love you fren. Just want other frens who are not aware to know what is going on here