If we can convince all nonfrens to be gay they would cease to exist after one generation. #gaynessisgreat #nonfrensgogay #supportgaynonfrens

106  2019-05-28 by ser-of-cannabis


I see you use a hashtag fren are u a white supremecist as well :)

Frens are green #

My bad fren green supremacist

Big brain

This is true, fren, but in the meantime their taking jobs means that frens who want to ahve families will be less likely to secure income---if they're the best qualified, fine, but in many sectors in countries like Canada, they will hire a homosexual who is not going to reproduce over a heterosexual who will. I suppose most homosexuals never take time off if their kids get sick, better for the bottom line.

You know topminds are gonna spend hours reading into the time displayed on dear frens watch

They’re going to flip their shit, fren. It will give us frens a good laugh.

Well there are worse ways to spend your time.

Your watch is cool, fren.


But gay frens and nonfrens alike can adopt. As long as people are friendly and happy I think that’s all I want to see

Exactly fren

I’d prefer them not to. I believe children should be raised by a mother and a father.

You are a non fren sabotager. Who do you work non fren? Where did you come from? Are you brigading?

Gay couples cannot have children naturally.

What about us LGBT frens cmon man

I am totally cool with you doing whatever you want with your life. I’m frens with LGBT frens.

Thanks you fren

you do know that lesbians can seek a sperm donor?

I’d prefer them not to. I believe children should have a mother and a father. Men and women are different and I believe children should get the influence of both. I’m a traditional fren. This post was not an attack on LGBT frens.

(shrugs) yeah I disagree, but we can still be frens

Deal, fren!

But all the research shows that many nonfren gays act in very bad ways to children and corresponds to becoming gay later in life.

Can we end this nonfren cycle? :-(


Gay couples cannot have children naturally.