the future of the human species, how sexual selection will shape it

2  2019-05-27 by OpenSVideoEditor

back then our species was shaped trough natural selection, witch favoured intelligence and critical thinking, but know with no natural pressure and women sexually men based on their preferences. it's seems like men are going to be pretty much selected based on height and dick size, with little regards to intelligence


That may be so but us frens must still be frens

So smart, fren

Intelligent women choose men who they perceive as having access to resources vital to their survival. The best thing a fren can do is get a good job and make enough money to support a family. Height and appearance are quickly overtaken by more important qualities like financial stability, personality, ambition and common interests. Only thots care about height and dick size. Frens shouldn’t be trying to impress brainless thots. Get your life right and good frenly women will present themselves.