You guys know what you’re doing. Stop.

0  2019-05-27 by Vulcasaurus

Stop making stupid edgy jokes. They aren’t funny. If you seriously believe that shit, then you need help.


Don't worry frens, I'll use my whistle to call in more frens to protect us from the mean chapotard.


Oh no wait, now there's two of them!

funny, I don't hear anything when you use that whistle fren.

I think you have the wrong place, fren

I suspect that our new fren is confused about a great many things, from the names of animals (man, woman) to where he lives (in the world). I bet he thinks he lives in a municipal corporation like HOUSTON, TX.

Hey what's the matter fren? How can we help you?

Don't worry frens, I'll protect you from the mean chapotard.


what’s wrong fren?

Our fren be confused fren. Happens to all of us

Welcome, fren! always happy to see new faces round these parts

I honestly want to know what your problem is with edgy jokes on the internet

Edgy jokes are just completely unacceptable, now let me get back to ChapoTrapHouse to post about how uncle Stalin & friends should have killed another 100 million kulaks.

i think we are pretty funny.

You've convinced me non-fren, because of your post I will never make a joke again.

Here’s a hug, fren 🤗 everything will be okay 👌

Fren, why are you using the imperative mood with us? Telling someone to stop is an act of war, fren, do you want to go to war? You can't just go around addressing people with the imperative mood, don't write cheques your ass cannot cash.


I was just baking cookies fren

Haha silly libtard! Dont you know that making silly jokes about how murdering six million innocent people was a good thing is completely fine!

Oh no, another chapocel telling us to feel bad about the six gorillion while jerking it off to the only dictators that managed to top that.

God you just really need something to be mad about don’t you

Don't insult the 20 million like that

I think you have us confused with Top Minds.

I think this fren needs some tendies.


Edges can be sharp, maybe this nonfren hurt on one. He should be more careful.

Our fren be confused fren. Happens to all of us