confess your unfrenly deeds topminds

300  2019-05-27 by ufoguy33


There will be no absolution for those who plotted to genocide our frens.

God does not forgive top minds, for they believe they are above Him

The sin of proud Lucifer, who, not content with his natural station, attempted to ascend the throne of God, and for his ignorant pride, he was cast down to earth, where he made trouble for Adam, by convincing that stupid woman to do the one fucking thing God told her not to do.

Yes, but this was known and God made the universe anyway. Maybe he wanted more frens.

100 % true fren


They broke the first rule fren: Thou shall not commit faggotry

Coming Up On Top Minds

Damning evidence that frenworld is plotting the slaughter of all homosexuals and thinks that they should be whiped from the face of the Earth. (shows screenshot of comment) This is real folks. They are not fucking around. They are Russian Psy Ops. The end is nigh


They have committed frenocide yet their hearts remain unrepentant

I call race jokes not see propaganda to make myself feel better and think I'm fighting neon yatzees

Not subscribed to topminds but felt compelled to leave this here.

Me: I let the cat drink the bathtub water while I was in it

Priest: Once again, kinda weird but not a sin

I upvote every post i see, just to make the poster happy.

One time my Muslim fren was getting triggered on 9/11, so I told him not to blow things out of proportion. He got mad at me

Such is expected, fren

that is not a frenly thing to say

I know, that is why it is a confession

ok that is pretty funny

I'm losing my sense of self and purpose

imagine spending your time policing reddit of all places for free and obsessing over amphibious cartoon imagery lol

I... laughed at a disabled joke... top mind user here... I dont even know if I should even be dropping this at all but fine... here goes... my friend made a joke where he said "What's the hardest part to eat on a vegetable?" Of course I bit thinking it was another P.C. joke we tend to share so I responded with "What?" And he says "The wheelchair" and for that moment I forgot about all the trepidation and tiptoeing we do everyday and well... laughed... and it felt good... like you dont understand the relief of not having to constantly worried about being politically correct and nonoffensive. To just let all that weight off and laugh at the joke just felt like having the most intense cathartic feeling. But after the brief 6 second loss of composure I quickly of course realigned myself and told my friend not to say that. But idk... part of me wishes to go back to those 6 seconds... I want that relief again. Idk... but yea theres my confession "Frens"

Say ten hail apu’s and fifteen our pepe’s and go in peace my son

Lets see. Deadly sins by topminds:

Envy: probably check.

Wrath: Check.


Yup. Hell it is.

I was angry at a non fren for insulting me and threatening me for a small accident


Well. I’m a bi furry fren and people on this sub made my trans fren cry so now i don’t really like it here mister pasture fren