We love new frens coming here, but they have to come here LEGALLY.

163  2019-05-26 by SONNENRADlCAL


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Don’t worry fren I’ll upvote all your posts

Welcome back, fren.

Non-frens will not replace us!

by 2045 frens will be a minority in america :C

They dont look very frenly, fren.

Good thing we have a barrier between us and them.

Of course, looks aren’t everything. If they can go through our immigration process, they will be welcomed with open arms.

Why was this downvoted it was frenly

sonnen is back

Topminds on suicide watch


Welcome new Fren! Happy to have you here.


Follow the legal and frenly process if you want to be a fren.


Never let non-frens shame you for supporting law enforcement, frens. Laws aren't made to be broken.

Op is topminds loser, trying to make us look bad


This is the evidence they fake? Being in support of immigration, so long as they follow the bureaucratic process? That’s their proof of nazism?

You know i dont know, but what i do know is that this kind of post, even if its is truly satire, looks bad on the sub, whether or not i agree with it is one thing, but the best way to beat the topminds would be to simply not give them any ammunition for thier over sensitive "rasism detectors"

Naa op your good fren, legal immigrations is only immigrations. You not not-see jus because you want things done properly.

I totally agree its just kinda suspicious this guys account

simply not give them any ammunition

You mean we should stop being us, like they want? Stop doing our frenly ways? That's not beating them. That's losing.

Every time they freak out over nothing, it's our win.

No not at all, im saying bringing politics into a frenly sub is going to cause trouble

Looks like this fren skipped their frenworld civics class.

Don't be scared, newfren. BopMinds can only bop us. They can never take away our frendom! But fren, this comment makes me think you don't treasure your frendom enough.

Be free, fren. Be fren.

Im just saying, its wierd he has three old acount with three very specific active subs. He could be just a new fren but topminds aren't above faking evedince

I think the nonfrens should stay in their own shitholes of degeneracy

Hmm but how would we know if we can trust them fren? Maybe give them an FNA test to make sure they are frenly.