Sorry if it's a repost frens, but non frens in a nutshell

622  2019-05-26 by Kuntopia



Male frens, female frens, frens with mental illness.

Yes fren, gender dysmorphia is a mental illness. The cure isn’t to shame it, rather make a gender transition when the fren is confident. This makes the fren happier

Cannot cure schizofrenic by telling him the voices are real.


honk honk

what if we tell them the voices are just otherworldly frens?

I actually have a theory that they may be spirit frens talking to them. But you shouldn't listen to them anyways, since they often say mean things (demon nonfrens).


Wouldn't it be frenlier to try to cure the "dysphoria" before going straight for surgery? We don't just chop the eyes out of a trans-abled blind person as the first solution so why do we chop the dicks off of autogynephiliacs?

The typical solution is to provide tiddy skittles / men'n'ems for a few years to see if the bodily change is enough to alleviate dysphoria, which it does in many cases. Some frens just need a lil push (or tiddy) to feel normal.

This makes the fren happier

40% self-bopping rate but, sure, happier...

Oof I didn’t know that can I see that study

Attempted self-bopping rate. Yes, it's mental illness.

This study doesn't account for whether their risk goes up or down after transitioning

This study is literally actually no meme fake news

So, trans people are mentally ill and trying to bop themselves left and right but we don't know if making flesh salad out of their genitals is helpful or not...

I'll just stick with trans people having a 40% attempted self bopping rate then.


We absolutely do know that transitioning helps, this is well studied

Are you just fucking lying to my face???

In a covenant concluded among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one's own tenant-property. One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very purpose of the covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They – the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism – will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order.

- Hans Hermann Hoppe, Democracy: The God That Failed

Thats the paleo-libertarian view on it, a very individualistic third position view. I really do not give enough of a shit because there's no reason it should be accepted in the first place. Any of it.


Ok you seem a little out of it, have a nice day sir

Also if you don't care about something enough to do the bare minimun research on the topic why do you have a strong enough opinion to warrant leaving so many comments

I think you misinterpreted what it is I don't give a shit about. I don't give a shit about the mental health of trannies. I do give a shit about the ongoing subversion and destruction of the societies in which my children will grow up.

Yeah no that's what I thought. I hope you have it in your heart to still love your children if they end up being transgender. Or at least that they aren't scared to scared to you to open up. Most kids have a hard time being honest when they don't know if their parent's love is conditional

Love is always conditional, even though you libs wish it wasn't. Why would I devote as much affection for a tranny child as I would for a healthy one?

How is that fake news?

And there is a Sweden study - from a while back though - that shows it's about the same after transition.

A lot of the studies that show success with transition also have poor methodology and abysmally low follow-up rates.

No dog in this fight frens, really can’t apply any data coming from Sweden. They’re a statistical outlier. They’re weirdly happy...

It's almost like there's a reason for self-harm, like, let's say, shaming, calling them by the wrong pronouns, being forced to go to the women's bathroom despite having a beard... I could go on and on

And nothing of value was lost...

It's not very frenly to bully people, now is it?

Reality is a bitch.

Non-frens need to conform in order to avoid subversion of fren-society.


It’s counter intuitive, sure, but surprisingly frens often experience lifelong regret after cutting off their frenly parts.

Who woulda thunk it?

Maybe we should research other treatments fren, so that there's no chance of regretting transitioning.

🌄🧶 Knitting could solve that. Invite them all to the dawn of the yarn festivities. 🌄🧶

Dont say things like that, it gives nonfrens another reason to try to boop us

Dont try to control the words my frens say

Now you’re trying to control the words this fren says! Oh my gosh!

Now IM trying to control the words you say! Oh gosh oh dear


Smh you are gonna get the sub banned

Offensive or not it's a bad thing to lie, and dysmorphia is a mental illness.

Frens don't recommend self censorship fren...

I dont mean "self censorship" I mean thinking what are you saying out loud

Frental illness

Science doesn't say that lol


No, science says there's 2 sexes

Exactly. They’re two different things.

I think you might be wrong fren

Ah, the ol’ “just change the definitions of words and pretend it’s always been that way” strategy

I agree and these idiots are upvoting me while downvoting you, while we're saying the same thing.

Ah, the ol’ “just change the definitions of words and pretend it’s always been that way” strategy

That sounds like gender norms as opposed to what gender actually is. Additionally, you don't seem to be contradicting anything about there only being 2 genders.

Well he’s right about the fact there is only 2 sexes: male and female. Gender Identity is the sense of oneself of either being male or female. So theoretically someone could identify as a whale, but that would still be a gender since it’s subjective to the person. However, their sex, being either male or female, would remain the same.

Hey, we need to be nice to all frens!

Soyfrens are still frens if their frenly. They're just off-putting sometimes. I'm happy if they wanna be frenly, theres only so long I can talk about Batman and Star Wars without wanting to bop myself, fren.

I wouldn't complain about that, it's better than them not being frenly. Maybe try changing the conversation towards a topic you both like, if it's that annoying.

bazinga fren

The big bop theory

Can confirm, am what would be desribed as a soyfren, think many frens here are incorrect in their views, but that's ok because we're all frens and disagreement is natural

It really bothers me that non frens try to attack us for being naughty, when in reality this sub provides a space for all frens, no matter their background, to be frenly.

This sub is that way now, but long ago in the distant past, it was a place for naughty frens. Non frens are cynical grouches who don't think people can grow and change and think all our changing is another layer of naughty. It makes me really sad for those non frens that they see so much hatred in the world

Not trying not to sound too politically charged but that’s fascism.

If I interpret your statement correctly then yes

We need to be frens to all frens, whether they're biologically male or female


Sex - predates usage before 1600s

Gender - dates back to 1980s.

Id rather have immature boys writing

Q: sex

A: yes, please.

Thats all i have to say

The word and definition of gender has dated back way before the 1980s...

Did you read what i said. "Usage"

Everybody is pretty much rooted to latin.

You cam say gender predates 1980s, but wasn't used until then.

My ppint being, gender is another word for sex and sex was used well before proving that the left will do anything to narrate their idiotology

You mean the modern interpretation of gender? In that case I agree; the modern usage of gender is pretty contemporary. The original usage was synonymous with “sex”

Yea, that was my point. But sadly downvoted for it

Honk honk 🤡🌍

Seems frens act like the non frens when they miss understand what i said.

Oh well. Guess yall are no different

Words change meaning when used improperly all the time fren. For example literally has changed meaning due to misuse. Along with decimate and others.

Racism is another new one “muh powers plus privilege!”

"Sexes" don't equal "Genders" fren. Keep that in mind

Oh yes gimme some more of that newthought

Age does not mean internal age, fren.




“We need new science! Somebody call Bill Nye!”

No fren, science only says that there are two sexes (not counting anomalies like hermaphroditism and such).


Sex is a biological trait, while gender is a social concept.

Nonetheless, gender in our society usually is connected to biological sex and that's a fact too.

To clarify more, sex defines for example if you have pp or not, while gender defines for example if it's socially acceptable for you to go to school in a skirt.

I love when the nonfrens talk about science so highly all the time, but almost none of them actually no anything about the details. Theg don't like science, they like the concepts behind films like Iron Man and Star Wars. The nitty-gritty of real science is actually quite boring unless you have a real passion.

*2 sexes

But it literally does not because sex = gender ;_____; this is high school stuff guys come on

Liking science does not mean you are a soyfren

Feynman was a fren for sure, 0% soy.

enter bill nye the science goi

Yea, that was my point. But sadly downvoted for it

To clarify more, sex defines for example if you have pp or not, while gender defines for example if it's socially acceptable for you to go to school in a skirt.