Wtf just happens frens, ive never been to that sub yet they ban me and give no explanation.

11  2019-05-25 by istoleyoemailreddit


Manufactured moral outrage fren. Disregard.

It sounds like a nonfrenly place. They can ban me right now. I won’t be visiting those nonfrens anyway.

Fren you got banned from a hate sub because frenly people are not hateful enough for them!


Nonfrens hate frens for no reason and are angry at us all de time :(

I will bop em

Pardon me for showing up late, but when you messaged them “I’ve never even been to that sub,” it may have sounded to them like you meant Frenworld. After the 72 hours are up you may want to clarify that you’ve never been to FuckTheAltRight

Why the fuck would they think im talking about some other sub.

FuckTheAltRight was the last sub they named before you responded

Fren world is on a list of subs that hatesubs like that autoban users of

Wow, that is so wrong, it’s completely against free speech.

They also tag you for participating in subs they don't like, guilt by association fren