OMG frens! My wife’s boyfriend is letting me get a new iPad today!

929  2019-05-24 by ser-of-cannabis



Im, um, so happy for you fren...

Frens forget to be frenly to themselves. This is a good reminder.👍

Remember to share with your wife's boyfriend's son!

I think he knows all about sharing he is the ultimate fren

Fren, I think the soy lattes aren't helping your complexion

Man, some frens have all the luck

soyfrens are also frens i guess




Soy non-frens are dangerous, don't let yourself become a soy non-fren, fren.

I think it's too late.

Wow! I’m so happy for you. He must be very rich and frenly.

He’s doesn’t work or make any money. I’m the one who works two jobs to support all of us.

Thats pretty neat. You sound like a very caring sugar daddy fren

Maybe he is a doctor and engineer like my wife’s bedtime fren!

tfw big tech releases their newest bugman device

Smell like broke in here fren

Fren does your wife’s bull, I mean boyfriend let you watch them save sexies?

fren thats inapropriate question !

Only when he saved up enough gbp, but he has to choose between that, tendies, or Nintendo switch play time

You are now a moderator of r/topmindsofreddit

Me rather be moderator of /r/topfrensofreddit

Let me in

Let me iiiiin!!!

Is it a frenly sub or owned by nonfrens?


Thats awesome but maybe you should get your neck shaved. Back too. Maybe after you are done watching your cap movie you will even get involved.

Looks like boogie2988

This is gold fren

Since when does fren = incel?

anyone can be a fren!

The word you are looking for is cuck

Not incel = effeminate cuck?

forsenCD my fren

I don’t think this is wholesome enough for frens but I support you anyways

he looks like banner hulk

i see this as an absolute win

Exactly how much soy milk you have been drinking fren?

All of it!

bop your wifes boyfriend fren

No! Tyrone is a nice guy!

nice fren, now you can delete frenposts on topminds all day long!

What a generous bull you have!

fucking kek

You are not my frens. My frens aren't coward cuck.


All of it!

What a generous bull you have!