I see you there Top Mind. How’s the spying going? Have you found any “evidence”?

452  2019-05-24 by ser-of-cannabis


I don't get it. I just don't get it. Why would you scour the web, actively looking for things to be offended by. Why not do stuff that you enjoy. I tell you, it makes no sense.

Frens having a place to be frens and do frenly things will always be a threat to nonfrens. Not because we dont like nonfrens, but because nonfrens dont like us.

And for what result? Offense stops at that. I am offended! Okay, so what?.. oh.

I’m beginning to think they are larping as “investigative journos” when trying to uncover these evil notsee hives all over the internet. When this place is just people goofing around and possibly being a little edgy. Also, they might be affiliated with certain media outlets, that focus on stupid internet drama.


Actually yeah.


People in comments referring to the Holocaust and that 6 million non frens couldn't be kept in "prisons". Are you guys even trying?

Fren don't be a bigot. Over 20 million died in the holobop. Don't be a denier!

I was referring to a comment who said that.

Where does it say anything about a holocaust? I’m not seeing that anywhere.

The doors being air tight, I'm not top mind but I've been kinda skeptical

I just read through the entire thread except for downvoted comments. It’s a stretch to say that anyone is referring to the holocaust. I just don’t read to deeply into the memes. You can pretty much twist anything into whatever you want if you over-analyze it enough.

Hey hi, 1 you should probably read the downvoted ones, 2 other dog whistles include the reference to there being a swimming pool, a guy referencing work will set you free, and everything about knowing it's air tight because they've been tried before

Also have you looked at any of the lists of previous posts and their content? I can link stuff but a quick search is probably fine, there's a couple big threads, in fact just look at top controversial for the month and you'll see a lot of spicy stuff in the comments. Also you see a lot of nice people telling them not to be mean non frens which is both sweet and tragic :(


If you hear the dig whistler your the dog

This doesn't make any sense

Kid, do owners of dog whistles hear the sound it makes when it is blown?

Obviously not, but the dog can hear the whistle.

So when a dog whistle is blown and you hear it 20m away, so what does that mean?

You don’t need to be the dog to hear the dogwhistles, and it’s not like it’s being blown 20m away. When 5 people in the same comment thread are bringing up the airtight seal provided by a wooden door, I’m not sure what kind of response you expect.

You don’t need to be the dog to hear the dogwhistles


We’re talking metaphors here. The people talking about airtight doors didn’t use a physical dog whistle to type out their comment.

Lol you do know that a dog whistle is an actual object that exists, right? And that when you blow on it, it doesn't make a sound humans are able to hear?

Yes. I’m speaking about the metaphorical dogwhistles, messages that are hidden behind special wording so only certain people pick up on it.

Thats not whats going on here tho.

But the funny thing about those is that you can claim anything is a dogwhistle to some undesirable group in order to silence criticism. For example, the "It's Okay to Abe White" posters... it was a campaign started by internet shitposts who were tired of the constant anti-white racism, and then immediately ascribed to hardcore violent white nationalists...the intention of the campaign was quite clear: to illustrate the overreaction of the media and whiny social media addicts, and in that regard, it probably succeeded a little too well, with campus officials freaking the fuck out because they're terrified that the whiny anti-white crowd on campus is going to accuse them of vicarious racism for telling them to grow the fuck up and calm the fuck down.

Personally, I'd rather live in a world where everyone is free to have a discussion about whatever they want, and ideally that discussion can proceed in a calm and reasonable manner. There are ideas I don't like either, but I don't want to shut them down, because I recognize that people are free individuals who deserve to be able to make their own decisions about the information they encounter.

Galeileo was famously persecuted for telling the truth when it was offensive. When asked to recant his statements; to tell the inquisition that the Earth, in fact, does not move because it violated the theological place of Earth as the center of the universe in God's creation, he stubbornly retorted "And yet, it moves!".

To me, that perfectly illustrates the problem with criminalizing or outlawing heterodoxy--you risk suppressing the truth and making assumptions about reality that simply aren't true, as we've seen in academia over the last 30 years when it comes to race science, or transgender research.

Mass delusion is far more dangerous in the long term than some short term offence, particularly when society protects that delusion with social ostracism and increasingly, legal consequences. The right to be offensive (and not just offensive in the approved ways, but offensive in any way you choose) is absolutely essential to the survival of a free and fair society.

Honestly, you guys should know this. You all had to read 1984 and Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451... you know it has to be this way.

Are you one of those "special" frens I keep hearing about

Dude I'm sorry I actually don't understand your argument I'm not trolling can you rephrase that?

When you blow dog whistles, only dogs can hear it loud and clear (not including that quiet hissing sound when you blow it).

Thus useful when you need to call your dog back without annoying other people.

If you hear a dog whistle from far away, that means you are the dog, because human cannot hear it.

Ok but like

You know that isn't what dog whistling in the rhetorical sense is right? Like a dog whistle is something with a deeper meaning hidden behind a front the provides plausible deniability but is understood by those in the know

Again not trying to be argumentative but the statement is literally just absurd???

You’re being gaslighted


anyone being antisemetic in that thread is heavily downvoted, and rightly so because its not frenly!

Ignore her, she's 14 years old.


“6 gorillion” is said in one of the (non-negative) comments, and that’s not really much of a stretch to say that is referencing the holocaust.


Do you know how much 6 gorillion actually is?

I’m guessing at least about a hundred

What, one guy literally says that 6 million frens couldn't get through a wooden door together. That's a stretch?

Wow a stray edgelord on reddit. Unheard off

Am I being trolled? Because the guy had 40 upvotes lol

Wow 40 edgelords completely unheard off. Luckaly we have a good mod team :)

Again, you've missed the point lol

Wow, 1 guy who misses the point unheard off.

The guy’s username who you’re replying to is another word for the holocaust between “Barack Obama”, you’re being gaslighted



The guy before that there was no reference to the holocaust. However, edgy humor or not, there IS reference to the holocaust

Well if you actually look at the drawing, you'll see there are bars in place of an air tight wall. Uh back to the drawing board for you fren

Smart, from a 14 year old.



You are correct.



Witch hunters are not frens

Ridiculous bullshit!

Sori i am newfriend, what is this about

Go to r/topmindsofreddit fren and look at the stiky Post. Be careful tho fren, they unfrenly nonfrens there

Boy, they sure dont look very frenly, maybe even a bit jealous of our happy place

I'm glad you got back safe from there fren.