Im building a prison to lock all the non-frens. Please help me with this wooden door, frens, its really heavy

1268  2019-05-24 by Skankhunt-88


A wooden door doesn’t seem very secure, fren.

They've been tried in the past my fren

Airproof, fren. Nothing in or out, or so I've been told.

But isnt it proven secure since it can bop atleast half of 12 non frens?

Don't worry fren, not even six million non frens working together would be able to get through.

im sorry what

Last time we used wooden doors, six million non frens couldn't get out. It's the perfect type of door.

Sorry goyfren? It was 390 gorillion!


people say jews werent gassed to death in concentration camps and use the fact the gas chambers had wooden doors as evidence for some reason

This sub is just thinly veiled euphemisms for holocaust denial spoken in awkward cringey baby speek

And they all play dumb and downvote anyone that calls them out for it


And retarded communists brigade a frog baby talk sub because they have nothing else going off in their lives.

You people are pathetic.

see yeah I was hoping it wasn’t, and instead just a bunch of ppl acting like toddlers but wow

Oh look, another brigading commie who's incapable of simply staying away from things that make him upset.

No one's forcing you to browse this sub, retard.




You know you can just ignore shit you don't like, right?

I swear to god you people are like addicts and outrage is your heroin. If this sub offends you, don't go to it.

How hard is that?



Because it is wrong for people to think or say shit like this, period.

it is wrong for people to think


they're airtight fren! A very old man with a very small hat told me so

Don't worry, non-frens typically drink enough soy to not warrant their strength that of a feeble child

Watch out for splinters fren!

once theyre in, its quite hard to get them out! you might even have a personal struggle with them, fren.

Lock them up and throw away the key

That’s not very friendly even for non frens. We have standards.

Don't worry, there's a swimming pool.

There's someone in my head but it's not me

I heard wooden doors provide airtight seal fren, good choice.

That's true fren. I've seen it advertised.

I doubt that would work with a cell made out of bars

Whatever dude we will put in a chimney 20 years later

Pm me that source fren

The source is my friend Johnny told me

Yo, this is clearly a shot at the holocaust not happening. People like this deserve to fucking die

It is clearly a post about the most perfect doors ever which I mean wooden doors make a perfect seal and keep you safe. People say such weird things. Don't overthink this. A good strong wooden door and then a chimney way later and your set


Actually I just realized maybe the reason you want to kill people is that you had an ancestor who was one of the 200,000 people that died of typhus and now I feel bad

Only a disgusting holocaust denier like you would catch a reference like that

So it was a reference


came to post this same thing, good advice fren

Ach, I posted this advice, but then noticed you posted it as well.

I figure you can't have too much good advice in such an uncertain world

This is unequivocally true and anyone who says otherwise can just be quiet

put a strong door fren, we don't want o frens escaping

Fren you should put a slogan above your prison

frenship will set you free!

freunschaft macht frei

Das schreibt man "Freundschaft", du Affe!

nein, freun = fren und freund = friend

I am new fren! Will I serve time outtie too?

No, i only lock non-frens!

Praise the tendies! All non-frens must serve time out!

desure to delouse them first Fren!



Fren, can your prison fit six gorillion nonfrens?

No, no prison can hold that many non-frens, fren

Stfu fren stay clean

If we get inside and leave them all out, it will be like the nonfrens are in the prison, fren

This is very smart, fren

How fucking subtle

that doesn't look like a prison camp fren. you are just building a working camp we can call frenschwitz.

we don’t do that here, fren

people don't like my idea of frenschwitz? shame on you.

Lock them up! Lock them up! Fren

Just because they do not agree with us doesn’t mean they have to be imprisoned frens

Nonfrens have been trying to destroy frenworld for eons. We tried asking nonfrens to leave. We even tried paying them to go somewhere else. The nonfrens have left us with no choice

I know a few have gone over the edge but not all nonfrens, i could bet your mom is not part of us frens and you dont wan’t her imprisoned right?

Nonfrens cannot produce frenly children.

That sounds like nonfren universalist talk. Sorry, but frenworld is for frens only

The frenworld you speak of more than likely would consider you a non-fren :)

But weren't non-frens specifically brought into fren commuties cause, unlike frens, their relgion allowed moneylending, meaning that they were essential in the growth of early fren states and often abused as political pawns, scapegoated when bad fren leaders needed to deflect blame? just asking the real questions :)

You mean in frenssia? No, the leader of frenssia brought in nonfrens to help make them farmers and make them settle the land as their own home. Nonfrens refused to work, sold the farm equipment, and began selling grownup juice onstead because they did not like working.

But the premise of your question about frenworld is assuming that those who were in charge of frenworld always did what most frens wanted when your own question shows that frens did not want them here and nonfrens only were brought in to screw over normal and poor frens and once frens were allowed to choose their own leaders opted to have nonfrens leave

Of course, non frens were told to leave 109 frenworlds for not being frenly


nooo need steel door my fren, so nooby non frens with wood axe don’t get out

Wow! Six million less non frens, maybe you should do more!

imprisoning isn’t very frenly, even if you’re doing it to nonfrens

I don't want to imprison the non frens :( Can we be frenly with them first? I'm sorry fren, I don't want to be rude, I just think we should remember the golden rule: do unto others what you would do to yourself. Remember how being quarantined by the non frens felt? It wasn't fun :(

Use an iron door instead fren, that way they can’t open the door from the inside!

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Careful not to pinch your fingers on the hinges fren! Leaves a nasty boo-boo

I will help you fren.

Do you have any pjs frens for the non frens

No, we only use mass tagger :)

Is your frensquad large enough to protect your prison from bombs?

Use an iron door fren, it's hard to destroy without a stone pickaxe!

lock down non frens up and throw away the key

OP’s name is Skankhunt-88. They can’t meme well nor can they be subtle.

I've heard that wooden doors work the best when you want to keep something airtight and contained fren, you're doing it right!

Needs to be ten feet taller, fren


The nonfrens are watching! Quickly put up your door.

Put it in your inventory fren

me and the boys dressing up as clowns and using baby talk to own the libs

just another saturday

Lmao, a commie obsessed with Harry Potter that can't stand things existing on the internet that he doesn't like.

You sure are original, aren't you? Quite the individualist.

and you're either a fan of baroque music or a fan of warships, and a pseudointellectual centrist who defends people who dogwhistle for fascism by dressing as clowns and using baby talk on the internet. The true dominant mind here, obviously, is you.

dog-whistle noises

If you can hear dog whistles, doesnt that make you the dog?


Fren any chance you need some building tools ? I can provide you with nail bopping stick.

Sometimes prison is metaphorical, not metaphysical. be careful fren


Why have a prison when you can have a country, fren? Much more room there!

Watch out for topmindsofreddit from comparing this to something it's not and banning more frens, fren

It would be great if you lot would read up on facts and such things. The wooden doors of the gas chambers are very well documented, and their purpose well known.

You Chapofags sure are obsessed with this sub.

Kind of weird you have nothing else going on in your lives.

Don’t you think it’s a little ironic how you’re asking me if I have nothing else going on my life? Considering the fact that you’re the one who’s pretending to be a retarded child on a subreddit. Get help.


You bunch of cocksuckers don't even try anymore, huh?

So, is this sub just thinly veiled euphemisms for holocaust denial?

yes, yes it is. A visitor too?

Came up in my recommended subs

Wtf reddit


Just don't browse the sub, then.

Problem fucking solved.


lol, this is what nonFrens acutally believe


RIP bopped fren

F in the chat for u/shankhunt-88



Whoever posted this got a sitewide permaban for this. I found a post from their alt account on r/watchredditdie.


This guy got a lifetime Reddit ban for this post, right?


Love everyone fren, its not ok to prison all nonfrens. Only prison nonfrens who commit crimes fren.

Sorry goyfren? It was 390 gorillion!

No, we only use mass tagger :)