Just found out about the hate crimes committed against our frens.

3379  2019-05-24 by MartyrSaint


May their frenly vibes and OC live on in our hearts.

They were the shield that guarded the realms of frens.

Hero frens. Gone but their frenly sacrifice is not forgotten.

And now their watch is ended

The Bopfather

Call frenesera we need him now

nice artwork fren!

👌 Thanks fren! Not as amazing as some of The Martyr SONFREN’s work but I take pride in my OC

It reminds me of Bop Fiction...."I bopped marvin"

Anyone wana fill me in (I’m r/outoftheloop)

A bunch of our frens have been getting their accounts shut down by reddit for laughably stupid reasons.


Like what? What did they do?

The admins will claim that a comment promotes violence and ban the user for it. It’s such a joke. They take comments completely out of context and even then it’s a stretch to say it promotes violence. Don’t be found guilty of wrongthink. They’ll find a reason to silence you.

I was banned without a clear reason from cringetopia. When the mods of a quarantined subs start acting like the thought police, you know it’s bad lmao.

How dare you frens think something else?

Is it possibly a way to make sure r/topminds and r/againsthatesubreddits think we are clean?

we are clean

we were a little shakey a while ago with fake frens, but I think us real frens have prevailed

and frenly too

They are delusional, they will never accept they were wrong

Yeah, they are celebrating the death of a sub about cringe. They also put r/waterniggas as one of their removed subs.

What the fuck, they were the ones that banned a sub about water worship?

Yes friend :( and waterbros isn’t the same

Wait they banned it? When I searched r/waterniggas on their sub I didn’t see much. Yeah, hydrohomies isn’t even close.

Can we ban r/againsthatesubreddits for being a hate subreddit?

Ahahaha, see you all know youre shady as shit. You 'not sees' arent fooling anyone. Youre all very dumb and naive.

What? Who’s that directed to? Was it possibly because I said something about the mods trying to “make their image clean?” I didn’t mean it like we aren’t clean btw, I meant it as a way the mods might be trying to convince the other subs we are even if they think we aren’t?


they may want to be extra careful fren, don't blame the soldier, blame the general

Cringetopia is quarantined? Tf? Since when?

It was right around when WPD was axed

Was suspended forever for "harassment" for giving my opinion about Spez, tagging him. How butthurt do you have to be.. Then again, it's an honor to be suspended by Spez himself!

Are you sure about that? Spez has his tag notifications turned off so I doubt it was him who banned you.

I'm not sure about that, it would be cool though fren. If it wasn't that that got me suspended, it was some non-fren with admin friends that got offended. It sucks that I didn't even get to know what message got me suspended.

But I'm happy to be back with my frens here

Sonne was banned talking about cutting out cancer as "violence"....they literally cut out some cancers on patients



"Violent content" is usually the catch-all for anything they don't like.

Why do all of you talk like retards? I swear you all talk like little kids


hey, cool it with the r-word remarks, fren. we keep it frenly here.

I wonder what the non-frens frens would say if they knew he used the r-word...

That's not very porlitcally comrect...



I'm gonna bop you nonfren

How's that pink eye? Wash your hands...gross. Bop.




Thanks for proving my point :)

Don't make me bop you again

Here you are again, further proving my point with your stupid "bop."



You’re asking for a stern bopping

That’s pretty unfrenly, guy.

I love it when ya call me B.I.G. BOPPA

Imagine hating someone for having fun. I'm sure you don't do the same to furries or gamers doing Super Smash Bros, so stop being a bigot.

Looking through your post history, I saw your roast me post. You’re clearly a child, (15?) and the irony of this sub and its dialect go completely over your head. Don’t worry kid, you’ll understand when you’re older.

No, I know exactly what all of this is. It's a cryptofacist community.

We’re not smart enough to deal with crypto currencies, nonfren.

Because different frens have different sense of humor. Silly nonfren

Fren you need the strongest BOP

Cuz it’s fun and it pisses off nonfrens like you for whatever reason.

Which frens?

they milkshaked our frens too :(

Of course, if a fren threw a milkshake, they’d be looking at multiple years in prison. But since it was a nonfren, the police “can’t find them” (hint: they didn’t try).

The UK is a sinking ship and the only real option is to leave. Otherwise, get ready for South Africa levels of physical and sexual violence within 25 years.

Sorry fren :(

Of course, if a fren threw a milkshake, they’d be looking at multiple years in prison. But since it was a nonfren, the police “can’t find them” (hint: they didn’t try).The UK is a sinking ship and the only real option at this point is to leave. Otherwise, get ready for South Africa levels of physical and sexual violence within 25 years.I wish I was exaggerating. I really do.

Do not worry fren, many frens in the UK are waking up.

Frendo was a good Son, a little hot-tempered, but he was my boy.

Look at what they did to my Frendo!

Two thirds of all social media users are female frens, yet the amount of posts targetting harrassment against male frens is higher than that targetting harrassment against female frens.





Stop fren, I got temporarily bopped for saying the whole thing few days ago. Non frens are amongst us.

Don’t worry, fren. I learned how to make subtle tea.

Not on reddit man.

(In relation to the two thirds being female)

I don't know about this stuff lads. This whole sub gives off the strong, putrid scent of a room full of elbow chewing retards.

Oh, that might be me fren. I forgot to put on pit stick after my shower. My bad.

Maybe it would smell better if frens like you went somewhere else.

That's doable.

Maybe it’s all the tankies trying to infiltrate

He who smelt it, dealt it?

I remember when I was naĂŻve and uninformed.


I’ve been offline for a decent amount of time, stopped keeping up. Who was banned this time??



F stands for frens who have fallen :(

No not the 'h' word

I’m sorry fren but there isn’t any other way to describe these heinous acts.

Well ok fren

Frens 4chan is banned in Australia without the use of a VPN.

What happened frens?


I just wish the thought police here in reddit works as efficient as the police here in my country

Press F for Fallen Frens


Yes friend :( and waterbros isn’t the same