Today looks like it was going to be a good day but it ended up being a horrible one. It will be very bad for a long time. I hope I can get through this frens.

245  2019-05-24 by GuyWithConverse



Sorry to hear fren. Message me if you need an hear to bend.

Thank you fren. This helps.

I hope you get out of this community of self-destruction and hate. Please seek professional help and see your world view shatter, so you can rebuild your life and become happy and share that happiness with the world.


What did the non fren say?

Something something fren bad

Get a load of this nonfren

Why are u being so unfrenly, fren?

Woah... Calm down.

Fuck you nonfren saying nonfren things

Hey fren, you’re stronger than you know. Here if you need to talk about it.

I sure hope so. Thank you for help fren.

Have you tried smacking your wiener around, fren? That always makes me feel good!

That is non fren advice!

You are incorrect, fren. Sometimes a fren has to do what a fren has to do.

You are my fren.

I'm here if you need me fren!

Thanks fren!

Doing any better fren?

I'm getting through it fren, thanks for asking

I'm sorry fren! I've been there before and I bet quite a few frens have been too. You'll make it through this! Things always seems worse than they really are. Try your best and stay frenly, and remember sometimes we go through unfrenly times in order to appreciate things more! There's a plan for you fren :) If you need to talk at all just let me know.

Thanks for the kind words fren, it helps a lot.

You three hots and a cot, fren?

Sure, it's one of those extra frenly jails that give you internet access and a meme tutor.

Pic just looks like the drunk tank, fren.

Geb well soon fren

Thank you fren

Kinda late to the comments but I am here for you if you need me fren. Remember life is what you want it to be. Be stronk, be frenly :)

Very true, thanks fren

We're all here for you, fren. Message us if you want to talk :)

i don't know why are downvoted fren. you seem frenly

Must be some unfrenly lurkers here. Top minds

Thanks fren

I understand this fren, because I have been in such a situation for almost a year in past. Stay vigilant and avoid any sign of trouble.

Thanks for the advice fren

Never give up fren. I've been having bad days also. But it gets better. Just be brave and know you are an awesome fren and we love you.

Thank you so much fren!

Hey fren, look into distress intolerance/tolerance. It will show you how to cope in positive ways depend how you handle stress.

You can always pm me friend.

Thank you fren. I'll let you know if I need anything.

don't be like this fren, bad things happen

Very true

I’m sorry fren. Hope you get better <3

Thanks fren

It’s ok fren, we all have non-frenly days

True. Thanks fren

Stay strong fren.

Were all here for you fren... I <3 you!

Thank you fren! Love you too.

It will get better fren, you just have to get through the bad time

I sure hope I can. Thanks for the kind words fren

Must be some unfrenly lurkers here. Top minds


Get a load of this nonfren

Why are u being so unfrenly, fren?

Woah... Calm down.

Fuck you nonfren saying nonfren things

Sure, it's one of those extra frenly jails that give you internet access and a meme tutor.