They bopped one of our best frens, frens 🥺🥺🥺

55  2019-05-23 by BobRoss744



Was he really a fren or a fake fren?

Only nonfrens axe that question

Why would a fren get bopped then? Only nonfrens get bopped.

Reddit is ran by nonfrens, so frens get bopped all the time. Even gud boys who dindu nuffin like u/S0NNENRADICAL

Maybe if he got bopped then he wasnt being frenly? You got to extend the frenshake to share the frenliness.

Ur not fooling anyone nonfren. If ur gonna clown around take it to clown world.

You are the one being unfrenly. I'm just asking questions to learn, and to spread the truths of frenliness 🤗

If u want to be a fren, just be frenly.

Questioning frens or insinuating they're nonfrens is quite nonfrenly, especially freom a new"fren".

If u want to be a fren, just be frenly.

Questioning frens or insinuating they're nonfrens is quite nonfrenly, especially from a new"fren".

But fren, you are insinuating I'm a nonfren 😣 and now you are going through my post history like nonfrens do. I want to be a fren to my frens.

Geeze "fren", it sure does seem like a lot of other frens think you're unfrenly over the past few hours; maybe you should reflect on your behaviour and whether it's unfrenly, or else just go back to your native nonfren country.

This is FRENWORLD... we speak fren around these parts, okay?

I only see 4-5 misunderstood frens, not many. Frens in other posts like my frenly comments. For someone who is frenly, you really are attacking my frenliness 😓

You're a new"fren" who came in accusing a very good fren of being a nonfren. Maybe you've been living in clown world so long you've forgotten what it's like to be a fren, bc that sure isnt how it's done.

I was not accusing, I was asking a question fren. I thought this was a safe space for all frens.

This is a wholesome sub, JAQing off isnt tolerated!!

That doesn't make sense fren 😣 why do frens need to be bound by rules? That's conforming and very nonfrenly.

Maybe you should sit in timeout until you learn how to be frenly

I'm convinced now that you aren't an authority to learn how to be a fren from. You are a hateful nonfren who thinks they are a fren.

Ur a nonfren who's attempt at entryism isnt fooling anyone. So who cares what u think.

That's what I thought. You aren't about being a fren, nor attempt at being a fren, you are about being honkler of hate.

He was a shining example of what frenliness is about. The nonfrens don't like frenliness. They like to give us big sad



He was a fake fren. Good riddance.


Reddit is nonfrenly. I highly doubt there was any breach of TOS. They suspend people for comments taken completely out of context.

fren your sacrifice will not be forgotten

I will eat tendies in your honor

I will bring his favorite dippies, bbq and honey mussy, and we'll pour some our for our fallen fren.

(If theres any left after we're done with tendies)

reddit is getting unfrendlier by the day


Lmao, I reported him just the other day. Didn’t know it’ll work this fast.

He spams the N word cause it’s “funny”. He deserves what he got. And the “frEns” defending him, nice freniless when you support a guy who spams the N word cause it’s so obviously “funny”. Or a guy who does nothing but obsesses with being a baby talking nazi.

Cmon, the guy was like in his 30s and the best part of his day was making other people mad. Nice quality of life there lmao.

Anyways, throw away acc cause I know it’ll get banned cause the nazis in here want to silence ppl who speak the truth. Because you don’t want people finding out ur a baby talking nazi being an “adult”.

So I won’t bother to check what the baby nazis has to say so go ahead and throw out ur best insults to get ur anger out, I won’t be here to read it.

this is ridiculous, he was one of the best poster of OC, modfrens, unbop! now

It wasnt mods, admins did this


Non-frens will not replace us!




Rest in power, king.