It's Halloween frens! I'm a spooky ghost this year. Made a bright torch to scare off the dark!

21  2019-05-22 by OogaBoogaObama



Great costume, fren! I love getting candy on Halloween!

See you at r/topmeanies


Nice costume fren! Hope you get all the good yummy candies

WEW i love your costume fren. be careful not to spook colored frens

and shekelfrens

Let's all wave at the nonfrens passing by so they dont get spooked.


Hi nonfrens!

can you make me and all our other frens the same costume? we can all go out as a big group fren wont that be fun!

Koalition of Keen Kfrens

that's a spooky fren

Let’s tie our shoes together to be scuttly


and shekelfrens