Muhammad Frenli: Float like a butterfly, bop like a bee.

375  2019-05-22 by cerebralsnacks


He actually had good ideas.



I can not believe I just found a sub that masks racism in this cringy ass way...I’m gonna troll the fuck out of this sub for ever.

If you’re a grown man typing “fren” seriously on the internet you need to commit that suicide you’ve been thinking about for a few years


Tell em Mo’

“Why would you want to destroy your own frens?

-Muhammad Frenli

muhammad frenli was based and (fren pilled)[]

muhammad frenli was based and fren pilled

A great man and a true fren, he loved and cherished his own frens, as all frens should aspire to do.

"No Vietnamese ever called me nonfren."

No Vietnamese ever called me a nonfren

Float like a butterfly, bop like a bee. Don’t fuck with me or I’ll eat your tendied

Grumble belly! Grumble!

Bop like a nonfren

Grumble belly! Grumble!