Why do so many people hate this sub?

36  2019-05-22 by Channel-DDD

I love this sub so much, I have no idea why but it’s one of the only subs that hasn’t been corrupted by the things I hate about reddit. These are people being censored, everyone thinks they have a iq high enough to over analyze Rick and Morty, and that everything has to be serious and basically business. This sub is chill, silly, and fun thank you for making me a fellow fren. 😁🐸


nonfrens gonna not be frens.

because we all frens here

Real talk, the nature of the subreddit is dank enough for me to love it and wholesome enough for me to not be a raging asshole. This is a magical place.



They hate us bc we have frens like you and they have nothing

They hate us because they ain't us

I’m glad to be a fren!

Top minds seek to destroy anything they cannot control us. Since we cannot be controlled, we must be destroyed.

I love you frens.

The NonFren wasn't given love as a child so they don't know how to receive it as adults. Pity them.

Some people on the left get upset about nothing fren. Don’t stress about it fren

Real talk?

Because this sub is not actively pushing the political zeitgeist of reddit. Rather it is just a sub per-occupied a subset of the pepe meme. They probably saw pepe and saw red. Yes you have the occasional post that can be view as being extremist in nature (it is not distinctly right or left wight), but they are so abstract that people do not understand what it is referencing or it is so obviously a joke that they view it as such. But on the whole it is an autistic frog commenting on mundane facets of life.

Every once and a while someone does a pretty edgy joke