Frens we need to protect the environment and animals for our children, we cant do that if we keep importing nonfrens into frenworld

155  2019-05-22 by Take-The-Honk-Pill


Frenler cared about the environment

He also like doggo

I think we can do better than frenler. He did not take the fren pill

He was a nonfren by definition :(



Frens have to come legally

But fren, don't you think we have enough legally imported frens?


What if non frens pretend to be frens just to cross the border?

big think

Then we bop and catapult the non-frens

Can I be catapult for fun then return fren.

We must secure the existence of our environment and a future for all plants and animals.

The green Party in the uk wants immigration... They want to focus on immigrants... They are pro asylum... Hon... No. I mustn’t. I’m better than that. That’s what the nonfrens want.

I look forward to the Great Boppening. After that, pigfrens and dogfrens won’t have to worry about murderous nonfrens.

Pigfrens don't have to worry about nonfrens right now :)