The Industriel revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

1  2018-11-18 by Bendingo0


Uncle Ted! Can I come up to the cabin next weekend?

Sure kiddo you can help me lick some envelopes.

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Ahh yess Jedidiah fren. Good to see u bud

I thought you Jordan Peterfren fren Alexander S of Gulag Archepilego

My mistake

It’s okay fren. You can call me uncle Ted


Fren, if he said anything about them he would be completely deplatformed. Maybe him spreading good, traditional, christian, anti-commie values and making men less miserable is good enough for society?

no because his audience is overwhelmingly fren. he tells frens to not care about who is fren and who is nonfren - even though the nonfrens do care, and even though it very much matters who is fren and who isn't!

Peterstein is a long nose who trickses frens, his solutions will only create more problems for frens

Fren, maybe if we spend too much time obsessing over the black pill stuff we can become depressed and toxic - which will definitely unhelp the fren race. Maybe the best thing a fren can do is work hard, have money, make plentiful fren family and help that way. And I share a lot of concerns with my frens but sometimes I remember that we might be on the rise again, say what you want about Trump, but one thing he represents to me is the failure of nonfrens in USA, and say what you want about JP but at least he can make you less of a miserable frenggot

Don't be so explicit

I'm sorry fren, in no way did I mean to disrespect you, I'm just giving my opinion as you should yours :=)

The book a hundredy years togeter is very good fren!

Are you amish fren?

No fren I like nature and live in a small cabin.

Ah varg fren.

Sometimes when a fren takes time to be in nature, going back to modern society can be depressing, reminding you of how far we as humans have come from our roots.

Are you okay Fren?

No fren.

Wanna talk aboot it Fren?

No. I’ll be okay fren. Thank u for being a fren.

You're welcome, fren

hahah is that spede assburger

unironically based

Commie fren is nonfren

Uncle Ted was not a commie, fren.


anprim gang fren
