I found 10 cents when I was walking to the bus stop today frens!

1  2018-11-18 by grisfrallan


Great for you fren!

Dont spen it all at wunce fren. Sav up fur snaks

Good tip fren

Nice sweater

Do u lik tendies, fren?

Start investing fren!

Wow fren you doubled your net worth I'm one morning.

Don't fourget a scarf fren! It's cold this time of yeer

Hmmm. Smels like big nose non fren...

A penny saved is a penny earned fren

Happy cake day fren

Thank you cake fren, I didn't even know!

A nice surprise, much like finding ten cents 😍

i found a penny at a big nosed frens house yesterday fren

Shhh don’t say here he cn look at ur internets

Good job Fren!

Hey fren, pik up only da coins wit heads facing up. If tails, flip to heads for otter frens to pik up. Rich fren says dis is da waay to luck.

Fren! Inves in meme econemy!

You make me more proud every day little fren. Keep on winning.

Congrats fren

I onc fond 3 dolar on the gron fren

Wow I cant evn imagin that much dolars

You shuld return to polise station in case someone lost there monies.

It was my ten cents

I have reconciled myself to this loss, so our fren is welcome it

I have moved on

Donut it to a good kaws

I just sent you ninety cents via Frenmo.

Go to dollar store and buy anything you like!

Thank you fren! Im gonna buy a car for my wife!

You can but 1/6 bag of lentils fren

That enough lentils to eat lentils three times a day for next six weeks

Wow am rich!

Wow I cant evn imagin that much dolars