Help frens remebre when I get stuck in toilet? This was ufoguy33 flipin me the bird. I think he may be a nonfren. Plees let’s investigate him for nonfren collusion.

1  2018-11-12 by Bendingo0



I am deeply hurt by this made up attack this is not fren lee

Why you flip mi birb, when I was stuck in toilet fren? Why, would you do that, u were my favoright frensidential candydate!

That was not me fren I love all frens

R u sher? It looks like u

I’m sher fren are you good at framin fren

No fren i dont remebre anymor but i have a hundred frenbucks in my gofren me account so I don’t care anymor

You wana be head of economic fren?

It would be a honer. We will make fren world prosperus again

Ok fren

Hmm quite disturbing thanks for the warning fren

wow fren soon wont need mommy anymore with these bucks

No fren. I give my mom frenbucks too.

Non fren using doggo speak

Woah there fren, this stinks of fren character assassination right before an important fren election.

These are non fren tactics. I'm calling for an investigation of OP

I will meet before the frénate next month to expain the sectual assalt.

I appreciate your transpearency fren

Thank u fren we shood beleeve all frens.





An investigation will be started as soon as I’m put in office my fren, thank you for protecting my reputation

These doctored images are a disgusting attempt at smudging my reputation before the election and frankly I think it makes you quite the non fren

I play devils advocate: maybe fren in terlet did something to deserve this awful fate

Jus sayin

R u sher? It looks like u