Helo frens I’m formally announcing my run for President of frenworld

1  2018-11-11 by ufoguy33


If elected, what will you do about the nonfren menace?

If elected, will you ensure the existence of our frens and a future for fren children?

If elected, what will you do to work towards the frensnostate.

I'm his vice-frensident, he said that he would build a wall around the non-frens, and grow a jungle around them so we never have to see them again. He also said he would work on the public-fren system so out baby frens are taught smartly.

You've got my vote, fren.

You had me at vice-frensident 🤣

This fren asks the tough questions

What about world peace?

Find out on the next episode of dragon ball Z!

You've got my vote, fren!

Need to hear some of your vision for frenworld.

no way fren, im in charge

Not something a fren would say


My frens, I am also campaigning on behalf of the Green Frens Party. If I am elected, I will open our borders to nonfrens and incentive conversion, so we have even more frens to keep company.

We should not alienate nonfrens, for then there is no chance they will ever become frens. I propose a multi-million investment to creating peace between frens and nonfrens, and creating a true frenworld. Your vote matters frens, and I plead for your support. Thank you all.

How much can we send nonfrens in foreign aid? The wallet of the taxpayers is open and ready.

It will be an open appeal, not taxes fren. We will also collect fren volunteers and send them out as spreaders of the fren word.

This is exactly what a non fren would say! Bop him!

Will you build a big pillow fort to keep nonfrens out?

I dunno frens. He says good stuff but he looks spooky like he's plotting to let the nonfrens in...

This a frenmocracy fren

Im gonna run for frenator. We need a system of checks an balanses

You are lucky i read this fellow green fren. Only I have the money and media connections to get you into office. Simply agree to my list of policy promises, and I'll be at your service.

:D wuz your manifesto fren ?

I would like sum tax cuts to the friendliest of frens

Only to the frensilist

:) You've got my vote

Thank you fren

Helo Mr Frensident. Whats your policee on Israil?

The official stance of Frenworld is that Israel is our greatest ally.

Good luck fren, don’t let those fake trend change your good nature! :)

You've got my vote fren!

May the best fren win. Remember, it's all about easy answers frens.

Only to the frensilist