According to this document I just won a trip on Titanic. This my lucky day frens (1912, colorized)

1  2018-11-11 by lorem118


Never let go fren

pls dont go fren, I heard its not safe cuz I have a fren who does time travl.

fren if you must go, during the trip, plz identify yourself as a female, so in case of an accident, there is a life boat available for you.

Or a child

Or a female child?

Or a child female?

ur on top of the worl, fren!

have a nICE trip fren ha ha

Hahaha good wun fren

Don't go fren! I have a bad sensation about this :((((

ThTs gud fren. It’s un sinktable.

Everyone to the lifeboats! Frens first, women and children last!

i would be jealous but a victory for any fren is a victory for ALL frens

Good for u fren! I hope you can get a girlfriend there and have a happy time there!

Take some swimming lessons before, fren. You never know when it can come in handy

Hahaha good wun fren