having next class with crush i asked out last friday; hope it goes well frens

1  2018-11-06 by CommanderCorncob


she said yes, but said she’d dm me and hasn’t yet 🤔😞

Gud Luk fren, gril will com just be patien

Maybe she likes you and just got nervous fren.

Nothing wrong with sending a simple “hey” or “hi”

Just don’t say anything else unless she replies

One can only hope fren

Sounds about right to me.

But if she doesn't want to take the time she isn't worth your time fren. Feck her.

Just be cool and be urself and make her smile don’t be weird fren

OP keep me updated

Didn’t even look, much less speak to me fren I don’t understand 😞

It’s ok fren.. just ignore her if she doesn’t want you to bad for her just seem happy around her even if your not show her that she doesn’t get to decide how you feel fren

crush fren

Hey fren, just remember how awesome you are! All you have to do is be your own amazing genuine self and it will all work out 🙃

Thanks fren 🐸

Go get her, fren. Godspeed

Can some1 make a tucker Carlson apu?!!!

Be wary, fren. To this day, I don’t know if femfrens exist.

Il alwys bee hear if she braches ur hart, fren.

You demonstrate courage fren

We proud