today I saw a doggy an I asked if I could pet it and they said yes so I petted it!

1  2018-11-01 by boopkittyboy


You ar very lucky fren!

That’s a rare pupper fren!

Fren, did u find out what bred it is?

My French has a gluten allergy. No bred for fren

Doggy fren is good fren

All fren is good fren m, fren :)

doggies are frens best fren

dogos are mans best fren

Bring peenut butter nex time fren

Wut a gud desijun! Doggos maek gud frens!

no doggie zoomo rarepupper speak

Follow the rules or you will be physically removed.

there is clearly a doggo in the pic, mod


booooooooooo not a fun fren

For anyone who sees this later, this is how not to act when you fuck up and are given a second chance.