MFW a fren here is actually a meany racist

1  2018-10-02 by The-idiots114


Racists are nonfrens

Rember to bop racist not frens


Sheesh fren you’re really hurting my feelings 😢😢


Waycist Fwogs is deplorable.

-That crazy lady

u faggots are retards









You mean reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetards?

Get bopped on epic style, nonfren.

We just wan fren world to be for frens, and ahs to be for ahs's, thers nothin raceest about it fren

yet you have anti semetic posts here

Frens can live here, °← (frenwold)

•←nonfrens can live here

The don mix well so why keep them together

look at his post history, :))



Like having an announcement saying "I am gay" in their profile, he is clearly a nonfren mole

Why are they brigading our treehouse?

They dont want frens to be frens, they want frenworld to stop being frenworld

We are just having a good time here and nobody is getting hurt. Why destroy everything our frens have built?

They envy us, what we were capable that they weren't, us frens gotta look for each other on these times, or frens will cease to exist, carry on frens!

Very antifren post

neck yourself, (((fren)))

I see ur brigading fren, that’s a ban frum redit

no i just found this apu sub and expected frens to be here


no fren pls

Oh look, a brigade from a certain subreddit...


Don't ban, we'll be just as bad as the non-frens.

this is a safe space for frens to be frens, nonfrens non welcome and will be 🚨 BOPPED 🚨with prejudice

Tfw our pillow fort has been breached by a soyboy who hates us because we are green.

no fren pls

this is a safe space for frens to be frens, nonfrens non welcome and will be 🚨 BOPPED 🚨with prejudice