Good morning frens. Time for confession!

114  2018-09-30 by IAMToddHowardAMA


fren I confess to happy

I threw a molotov at nonfrens

Violence is not the answer, fren

I kill nonfrens

Killing is a sin, fren

I’m sorry fren

I had an accident :(

i look at tadpole drawings online :(

Jesús christ fren

I am bored fren.

Me lik same sex frens , what do Pope man ?

Asking as they are not nonfrens it’s ok fren : )

Aslong as they aren’t nonfrens, it’s ok fren :)

:D the holy one has spoken. Thnx fren

I am a fake popefren, I am sorry fren :(((( how do I clean myself of these sins real popefren?

: D make new church denomination for frens. If the English did it why cant we

Forgive me father, for I have sinned. I only attacked 3 (((nonfrens))) today. Do I still have a chance to get into heaven?

Treat others how you wish to be treated, fren. Violence and hate are for the weak minded.

Tolerance and pacifism is synonymous with naivity and cowardness.

I didn't mow the lawn today fren. I say it's because it's wet from rain overnight, but it's because I'm having a lazy weekend.

That’s ok fren enjoy your day of rest

I want to put all nonfrens into bopwitz.

You have to love your neighbor fren. No bad thoughts!

Sorry fren :(

I'm so lonely fren. I just want a Mrs. Apu. Y so hard find companionship fren?

everything come with time. keep trying, i will add you to my prayers fren (:

catholic church is nonfren

I stole nonfren sweetroll

Sometime I touch my willie and the white stuff come out : (

Local priest is nonfren :(

Teacher said fren cooked 6 zillion nonfrens on bbq. Bbq can't fit 6 zillion. Teacher said believe or i'm a sinner. I'm so sorry for sinning frens.

I fapped to a trap :c

fren no :( pls repent for wholesome

i sayd i didn’t want frens to go extinct n long nose fren sayd i should rember the 6 grillion bopped long nose frens and he showd me a movie about how im an evil wypipo and now im sad

Sorry fren :(