i'm sorry frens. i dont want to live anymore

1  2019-06-20 by AlexPr0


Don’t do it fren

i'm sorry

We need you here fren

Every fren is needed by the other frens

There are people that want to help fren. Pick up the phone look them up and make the call. You're worth it fren.

thank you fren. I spent the whole night crying and trying to write the perfect suicide note that will cause the least pain, but I kept thinking about this video

Tek my hand fren, well crawl out togeder

thank for the han. i m better now

thanks frens for all the nice comments. i'm sorry

D'aw, how cute

Don't give up fren, if there's things getting you down there's plenty of frens here who will listen!

If you're feeling down because of all the hate going on in the world, I'd suggest unsubbing from subs that make you angry and taking a small break from it all. It helps me when I'm feeling low, anyway

Don't do it Fren! Tell us why you want to leave us here Fren!

Good riddance

Non freind the Canadian belongs on a cross

stop downvoting frens who tell their opinion, it's true that it's pretty gay to make a bread like that. Don't let the hate discourage you from telling what you think fren.

I think you are not see well fren that is clearly a nonfren

Don’t do it fren.there is somebody who will feel pain from your death.

Whether or not you do it I wish you the very best.

Fren no!!!

Fren pls don't

Good, one less cuck nazi in the world.

thank you fren. I spent the whole night crying and trying to write the perfect suicide note that will cause the least pain, but I kept thinking about this video