Frens I’m sad :(

18  2019-06-19 by 2kewl42069skool

My girlfriend left me three months ago and I’m still sad I want her back Frens. I know you guys can help


Fren, the only thing that will help is picking yourself up by the bootstraps and making her wish she never left you

But Fren how do I make her wish that?

You live your best life until you are exactly the kind of person she would envy

The exact person I envy is someone who’s dating her and if not there someone much cuter

If she left you, you deserve better. Get to work, you will find someone better than her.

Every time I try to get with someone better they shout me down or just wanna be friends and not frens

It's a part of the process. Great people are great because most are not. You just gotta keep trying.

It might take a long time but in the end its more than worth the effort.

Aim to he to her who she is to you. Ain to be that level of untouchable and then go out and do it

alright Fren

That's how I dealt with it when I was in a similar situation. Eventually, I got the girl back and I had traveled so far on my journey of self discovery that I decided I didnt want her and thus achieved an inner peace.

Be stoic

Time heals all wounds. It took me a LONG time to get over my ex. But now I don't feel that sadness and hopelessness at all. You definitely feel a hole in yourself, but time absolutely will heal it. I promise you that.

Fren. I’ve never had a girlfriend, IRL fren and now I don’t even have family. Just consider yourself lucky fren

Fren, did you not make her sandwiches and do her bidding? Why would she leave such a frenly person?

You got that backwards. It's the ladyfren who does the sandwich making.

I did my best frens

Send her pictures of your benis and show up outside her house with a boombox blasting death metal music late at night.

Nдh Fren I’ll play her favourite song

Just don't forget to send those pictures. Like 1 every hour.



My Fren I understand but you need to know a non girlfren like her never deserved you in the first place and you’ll find someone better and she will regret it so wipe the dirt off your shirt make yourself look good because. If you look good, you feel good, you feel good, you gain confidence, you gain confidence, you look even better, you look even better girls will flock to you, when girls flock to you, you pick out the one you would like to be with the most.

Thank you Fren

You welcome fren

Hello fren, I'm sorry to hear about your breakup. Please remember that you are beautiful, and that you matter. Your frens will always be here for you. hug

Kill yourself

That's not very frenny

Fren you gotta go over to /r/theredpill/ and read the entire side bar. Gonna take you days to read it and months to internalize it but the end result will be your pure transformation

Thank you Fren