why WHY??? Mr. Frensident Please! The Longnose are not frenly! ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿ˜ง๐Ÿ˜“

377  2019-06-19 by happybillmoney


Why would our Frensident be like this!?!? Note: Sorry for weird multi post today Frens. Reddit was not posting my stuff this morning and I thought it was broke so I kept trying to submit. But it ended up posting all of my attempts. I removed the duplicate post. My bad. Anyway remember the non-frens want to downdoot us. So give a hoot and updoot.

Previous comics below:


#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 [#15](link)


This is terrible fren! I can't say I didn't see this coming though. I wonder what happens next!

What are those symbols under the statue of liberty picture?

๐Ÿ˜ฏ uh oh

we got played, fren

If you feel you've been deceived you can only blame yourself for not paying close enough attention


There's no conspiracy, all of this is right out in the open. People are just conditioned to be afraid of talking about it

Eh I wasnt so tuned into things back then


The media conglomerates convinced the American electorate that Republican politicians were dog whistling when it turns out they mostly weren't.

They mistakenly thought alt right(for lack of a better word) political views weren't popular

Donโ€™t worry about the tendies of life award. Has nothing to do with anything. Thatโ€™s a conspiracy. Watch some sports relax. Stop asking questions. Go to bed. Donโ€™t you have work? Why are you asking? Never mind donโ€™t worry about it. Fake news. Hey thereโ€™s some free tendies down this dark alleyway. Make sure to come alone and donโ€™t tell anyone where you are going. More free tendies that way. -Mr. Longnose

Free tendies! Just pledge your soul to Mr. Longnose's Birth Registry!

Who are the longnose


Characters in this cartoon, fren. The longnose represent greed, dissimulation, disloyalty, tribalism and unfrenlyness. This is contrasted with frens who represent sharing, truth, loyalty, universality/catholicism (in the sense of universality, not roman catholic) and frenship.

The longnose thinks if someone gets swindled, it is "his fault" for being "gullible." The fren thinks that if someone swindles, it is his fault for being a deformed monster.

The Fren/Longnose comic deals in mythological themes that have been a part of most cultures for a long time. For example, many American Indian Nations tell stories about the benefits of sharing vs. the problem of greed. Just a few hundred years ago, it was more important to be loyal and frenly than to scheme, because in a small tribal situation, if you schemed, there was no Frensident to subsidize you and to protect you.


why are they called longnose?

Fren, I have no idea. Maybe you should ask Mr. Goldstein? He seems to know a lot of things.


why longnose though






Hmmm I feel iffy about this, but mr. frensident says the longnose are our friend and I really like tendies. I guess trusting mr. frensident is something a good friend would do, so Iโ€™ll come get them.

Fren I am loving this story so far but I hope there's a happy ending ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ

howd u get a picture of my meeting with the president?


The long nose brings them in to outbreed and outvote frens. The goal is to usher in socialism with the beans votes, steal resources from frens, rob frens of their 1st and 2nd amendment rights.

Beans are fierce in politics and openly anti-fren to a shocking extent.

All of these issues originate with the long nose. Beans have been weaponized by the long nose.

Massive third world immigration is because of the long NOSE, period.

The long Nose hates and fears frens

The goal is to boo the entire western world, by replacing frens and WRECKING the entire fren world.

The invasion has nothing to do with economics, because they invaders take far more than they give.

Immigration has been weaponized by the long NOSE.

Bananas and beans are simply tools for the long NOSE.

Listen to any politically active bean or banana, AOC or Harris, doesnโ€™t matter, they all spew the very same long nose rhetoric

The long NOSE is not just making frens a minority. Thatโ€™s bad enough. No, they are determined to make frens a HATED minority.

In the entire history of the fren race , I do not believe there is any other example of such a diabolical and viciously deliberate effort to destroy a group of people as we see with the long nosesโ€™ anti-fren agenda.

Ultimately, itโ€™s not that beans are fat and dumb. The main problem is that they vote left and they will usher in socialism, the end of free speech, the end of gun rights, basically the end of frenworld .

And the horrifying thing is that itโ€™s a done deal. Itโ€™s already accomplished. The demographic disaster is baked into the cake.

Soโ€ฆ..the long NOSE wins by ruining the people that treated the long nose better than they have ever been treated in all of history.

Thatโ€™s what the long nose calls gratitude.

The frensident is actually named Donald J trumpenstein..

the longnose wears the face of the fren when up to no good

You're an anti semitic piece of shit

This is very high quality!

Oh I get it, the longnoses are Jews and Mr Frensident is Trump and since he's saying that Israel is our ally that's betraying the white race



Don't let perfect be the enemy of good fren. He's not perfect, at all, but holy shit look at the alternatives.

Alternatives as in literally anyone that doesnโ€™t suck Israel off?

Yes, as in they all will, or worse.

Mike gravel doesnโ€™t and neither does yang

Both are fucking insane.

At least theyโ€™re against the elites

When I said, "or worse," I consider destroying our economy to be worse than petting "our greatest ally."