I just wanna take a moment and thank everyone here for having civil and openminded discussions involving multiple, widely varying opinions. This sub is a literal beacon of light in the echochamber shitstorm that is Reddit, and I just wanna give a hug to all the frens that made that possible :)

57  2019-06-18 by Afrodiziak



I cannot speak for all, but I am always willing to hear what a fren has to say, even if it’s not what I might have to say

Thanks fren


Thank you fren :) It's great to know that there are many frens out there who just want to be heard!

Thanks, fren, it's important to be open minded! It make for good times with frens!


I really love all of you frens, you brighten up my day a lot big frenhug

This sub literally is facists making baby talk into dog whistles though

Like I mentioned in an earlier thread, I’m a Black Anarcho-Socialist (Libertarian Left) and although I’m socially conservative my other views are quite left of center; however, compared to other subs like T_D I have never once felt unwelcome here. This sub has a variety of political views and opinions, but is generally more right wing than the rest of Reddit

Just because nonfrens wanna cherrypick posts and then lambast them in their little “against hate/fascism” echochambers doesn’t mean shit to me, I still prefer this sub in terms of discussion to anywhere on Reddit.

I don’t think you truly realize just how toxic the rest of Reddit is, I can actually share my opinion here, unlike /r/Anarchism , /r/LateStageCapitalism, /r/AgainstHateSubreddits, /r/Socialism etc. Mod abuse and an extremely ignorant userbase make those subs impossible to deal with, but sure roast the most wholesome political sub on Reddit just because you have problems with the opinions of a handful of users who are alt-right; totally indicative of the entire userbase bro.

I suppose, but those "longnose" posts are some gicantic dogwhistles if i have ever seen some

I suppose, but those "longnose" posts are some gicantic dogwhistles if i have ever seen some