I have a swim meet today frens. I’m nervous because I might mess up but I’m also very excited

62  2019-06-18 by nAPh_


Don’t worry fren, just remember to wait for the BEEP and then jump in. If you try hard it will work out fren

Thanks fren I’m just nervous because I’m slow and all my frens are fast

I also swim fren, and I used to be slow, but then I put in the time and effort and it all worked it fren, be patient and work hard

Thanks fren

Update time fren, I got a PB of 42:11 on freestyle so I’m super happy.

Congratulations fren that's awesome :)

You would think a fren like me would have no trouble on the back stroke. No no no. Everyone keeps cheering for fren me. Oh my i am back where I started. I turned around. No fren me! No!

Just remember you are safe from nonfrens in natural habitat

I know I’m late to the party, but I also swim. I just figured out about a week ago that, for freestyle especially, that having good form and kicking hard > bad form and using arms more that legs

You also wanna gap your fingers about an inch apart at the tips and your pushing motion should nstrat at your chin and run down the center line of your torso. Your hand deviates from this at your hip and exits the water to arc all over again. The gapping of the fingers has been shown to be effective at increasing the surface area of your paddle despite the seeming holes in it. The path your hand takes keeps you balanced and ensure all force applied in directionally effective.

I was in swim club for YEEEAAARRRSSS. Winter AND summer. An hour and a half before school and an hour and a half after.

Eat some dextrose in the Marshaling Area for me, fren!

Congratulations fren that's awesome :)