Far right? More like far out frens

3607  2019-06-18 by SolarTortality


Far out Fren 🤙 The swell is bodacious let's get outa the park and surf 🐸🌊🏄🏼‍♂️

Yeehaw fren yeehaw

Gleaming the cube bra

Cool dude 🤘

Frenly Hawk's Pro Skater

Hang ten, fren.



Thanks fren! So cool!

Far-right = anyone interested in preserving national identity and national sovereignty.



Literally anyone who thinks the left is over reacting is considered far right.

Anyone who upvotes a frenly frog meme.

Anyone to the right of Stalin nowadays


I'm glad you put your dumb ass philosophy right out there on a post with your mascots brain caved in.

I’m globalist in terms of wanting freedom of movement since I have friends in many different countries after I studied abroad, but preservation of national identity is necessary to have a cohesive and functioning society. I feel like too many folks take that for granted. A nation divided cannot stand, and that’s been true since the dawn of civilization.

Traveling and visiting other frens is cool. Studying and working in other places with frens is cool. But then you go home or they go home - and home is still home. It's the frenliest way!

I believe in full free movement between countries that meet a certain economic stability threshold. That way people move around just because they want a change, not because they are in a crappy place and want to dump it on a new government.

Wow, what a frenly way. I always go back to my own house after I have a sleepover with my frens!

So this is what they mean when they say we’re radical

Edgy even, cuz I live life on the edge of my board yo

careful not to hurt you knee fren


i hurt my knee and got a bump and now it grow


dont like knee grow

Ye knee grows can be disgusting sometimes fren. You may want apply cold water to your knee grow if you want it to go away.

If you rub job applications on it, it will be cured in an instant.

This ain't so frenly

Unless frenly is code for overt racism

Making a silly joke is overt racism now? Top lel

Yes, that's a good way to put it



More like farting out. Cuz I just farded.

And shidded?

And camed?

This gave me a migraine.


Sick 🤙🤙

Shred it fren!

People tell me if I am alt-right but people never tell me if I am alright

You are alt right in my book fren :)

And that's alright 🐸👍

It’s not though...

Lighten up fren, it's just a bit of satire!

Yes the neo-nazi support on the neo-nazi subreddit is a big stretch I know. Must be satire no white nationalists in here!


A man of knowledge

How dare he want his type to survive.

Hang loose fren!

weeeee 🛹 💨


Any other skater frens out there?

Wicked fren 🐸🤘

do a frenflip 🤠

Let’s do one together fren

i’d love to but i’m a bit rusty :( i’m practicing though so soon i’ll impress all the other frens in the park

I’m imbressed by all the work you’ve put in fren, when you set your mind to something you make it happen


very swood

Nice shred, fren

I mean usually yeah. But every so often I've seen non -frenly posts about using the infinity gauntlet to kill all black people or similar "jokes" that are honestly kinda fucked up.

Yeah there are some non frens on here that try to post stuff like that. Just gotta down vote em

lol suh duh


Or Fart Out amiright?

Can I get a 21 BRAAAAAAPPP salute frens?



the non frens may be on to us frens, they know we are frens of all frens and enemies of the non frens who now wish to unfren us forever.


Am I still fren even if I’m not far right?

Just gotta be frenly, fren.

Thank you fren

all frens who do not threaten fellow frens are fren


Hahaha you lot aren't even trying to hide anymore

Why would we frens want to hide? We can’t meet more frens that way! :)

Wholesome but with a dark twist

A dark kick twist with a flip! :)

👌🏻 cool af

Wear a helmet on that steep quarter pipe, fren.

That would be a half-pipe though.

Personally, I miss the days of launch ramps. Nothing like launching some frens.

My bad fren I rarely skate half pipes.

far right


far left


farry good frens


I'd you're in the middle, you have frens on both sides. Only the extremes are my personal non frens.

The world would be a much frenlier place if more people realized this

I like skateboarding too fren! 🐸

Do a kick flip fren!! Only if you want to though.

Scoot 4 life fren gud post

Scoots are unfrenly, they smashed my shin and gave me bruise bruise

Not to wory fren I won’t smash shin

Kinda looks like Emma stone

Dont forget to wear a helmet fren

I forgot and hit my head :(

It’s ok though, I builded a skate park there now


If I’m a moderate left, can I still be fren? :(

You know this place is filled with fascists hiding their racist ideology with code “fren” words right?


As long as your frenly! :)


Radical fren

Fren. I’m bothered by the number of handrails and ratio of white space to green space. This is much hate.

Can far left anarchists be frens? Y’all seem cool but the far right thing surrounding Pepe puts me off. then again I don’t know everything about how this sub chooses to view Pepe.

Far left anarchy doesn’t seem very frenly, also that’s not Pepe.

Anyone who doesn't post on topminds is welcome to join the cool gang

The dude we post isn't Pepe, it's Apu Apustaja and he's a good boy.

Thats some nice art, fren

Make sure the only rails you do are the ones down stairs, fren.

Yeehaw fren yeehaw

Gleaming the cube bra

Making a silly joke is overt racism now? Top lel




Thank you fren