Hello frens, Im a null fren, and I jus wanted to no why non-frens hates frens so much? I jus wanna be frens...

25  2019-06-18 by LordMitre


Don't hate fren, fill yourself with love... it's hard. I know this, personally. You can do it, fren! I believe in you!

Im okaey fren, tanqs! I jus wanna be fren with non-frens but i don understen why non-frens hate fren so much...

non frens are full of hate, and when they see frenliness it makes them mad because they dont have any frenlyness and they never will.

why tho? T-T

the non-frens are blind, null fren

but we will make them see


through love, tendies and hugs, ofc


Maybe they start conflict because their life is meaningless without it, and they mistakenly think theyre fighting the good cause by bullying lil froggers
