whiiirrrrrr chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop

550  2019-06-18 by yusajoliks


an attack pepe



We’re are you headed fren?

Chile, fren.


Do you offer free rides?

Only for members of the Chilean Socialist Party.

Yes! To communist frens!


There is no such thing as democratic socialism. You're just a neolib LARPer

I’m not a neo lib or a demonic socialist. Chop chop chop chop!

Why are you in r/democraticsocialism than?

4 duh lulz

Yeah you're in r/DSA, very cringe assuming you're a marxist/Leninist.


You mean anarchist? Yea that sure worked out during the Spanish civil war oh wait.....

Be muh fren

the forbidden friendship

haha look at him go!

hes going super fast huh fren! 🤓


I love this sub so much.

Any frens old enough to have AOL instant messenger (Aim) and type roflcopter

chop chop fren

Hello there flying fren!


Hey fren, I have a couple passengers for you if you can take them. They need a lift from the local college campus!

Sure thing fren! I even give free wides to journalists to!

Lookin' fly af fren


are you a non fren?????

I everyone fren

i think you non fren bop

a chapotraphouse non fren!

Is fren!

Soi soi soi soi soi

So it’s full mask off now, right you pieces of shit?

truth is, game was rigged from the start

Eat my ass fash.

only if you're a gurl


Make sure you visit the range and exercise comrade, self defense is important

Free rides! Hop in!