Frens! I made it to the top! It wasn't easy but now I can enjoy the view

2477  2019-06-18 by hero19


The Fren Above a Sea of Fog

Beautiful fren :)

Apu changed his blue shirt but has a piece of the old one in his left hand

this fren notices details!

Stop noticing things, fren!

Fren I will bring u a change of pants

I don't nee- ... Okay thx

Oh wow, someone must of gotten excited. Good job fren

fren are you searching for the iron fist? Your colors are matching.

“He who climbs upon the highest mountains laughs at all tragedies, real or imaginary.
(Also, I did NOT bomb those oil tankers”

  • Thus spoke old guy

God I love Nietzsche, and hiking


type it like this fren!


Is this better?

If you type it like this \#MeToo, you will see this:


And Caspar David Friedrich! Probably my favorite painter.

This is the second time I’ve seen this painting in the last two days. If you have the time, can you please explain how it relates to Nietzsche?

It's on the cover of several versions of "Thus spoke Zarathustra"

Thank you fern

You frens have got to learn to stop pissing yourselves.


He spilled water on himself while hiking. Why you gotta be unfrenly?

You gotta go, you gotta go

Everyone has mistakes sometimes fren.

Shoo, nonfren

I'm not a nonfren, im just looking out for frens with weak bladder control.

You have to say "us frens". When you say "you frens" it sounds like you are not one of us fren

My fellow frens

Fren, if you are going to criticize a fren for a medical problem, you should at least see well enough to diagnose the problem. He obviously had an accident and pooped himself, which happens to the best of us at times. Look at his foot.

How are we to trust you if you cannot even see properly?

As a fren with hyperhidrosis this hits deep

Oh no your body has peepee syndrome

dont worry itll dry on the way down fren

this is some esoteric Frencraft

This fren knows the romance of nature

It's lonely at the top fren.

Not if he’s got us frens on here

only true frens will still be loyal at the top 💯

You can now call other subreddits who violently hurt us poopy heads

oh fren, you probably sat on a wet bench but it is ok, you cant change the climate afterall

Good job fren 🐸👍 That's a nice view. I think a saw some painting like that.

My favourite painting "Wanderer above the Sea of Fog".

"Wanderer above the not Sea of Frog"

A nice view. A new life. A new pants. You are a new man frens.

Caspar David Friedrich, fren!

OK. That's sound great, What next my fren?

Fren made Frankenstein

Caspar David Friedrich - The fren above the sea of fog (1818, colourised)

Hey Frens, your nazi frog has pissed himself, just like your Dallas shooter did before he got domed.

Polywog Pissy pants pretty phunny phrend

Awesome alliteration Apu associate

And you fren. Perfect.

congrats fren! what an achevement! looks like you may have had a accident but don't worry, it happens to me all the time haha

Watch out for the fire nation fren

Don't forget to make pictures fren! Also, be careful around the edges!

Congrat fren

hello überfren, how is the view from up there?

Mississippi River so big and wide

Blond haired woman on the other side

Now she's gone, gone, gone and I don't worry

'Cause I'm sitting on top of the world.

I laughed like a retard at this for like 20 seconds lmaooo

But fren...You are the view