Mr.Peterson please stop!

2275  2019-06-17 by Firetesticles


But fren cleaning your room is a good thing.

Cleanliness is second only to frenliness


I washed my penis several times today. Please fren it’s starting to get flakey no more.

"But but do you even read Locke?"

Do you even have authorities you can appeal to?

Sargon scaaaarrrred...

"It depends on the child really" "You're acting like white [urban youths]" "I wouldn't even [forcey-fun-time]"



Thank you for invoking another bot to bop.

You're also bopped for doing it.





mean :(


Are you actually giving the Big Bop?

Naw, just little bops.


He’s not a bot he’s an actual person typing it out

Well, he's banned.

Have another fren help you give it the ol’ spit shine

Cleaning your room is a pretty good place to start, he has 11 other rules to help get chaos out of your life. Chaos can keep you from being a fren to others.

Remember frens, you gotta have a good balance in everything!

he has a dirtier room than most frens combined though

And custom $2000 rugs that are shitty and gay.

His life has been chaotic recently, so this is not unexpected.

Read some Nassim Taleb to channel that chaos. He is a much better fren than JBP, but I like some of JBP's stuff. Mainly the self improvement.

No vidya or tendees until your room is clean

But.. but... Solzhenitsyn!

Solzhenitsyn wrote a book called "200 years together". Why does Peterson not talk about that masterpiece?

Man this Jordan Peterson and Joe rogan are the two people online who set me up straight

IDW is my frentish

For me it was Candace Owens. Ever since, non frens started called me a Not See. All I wanted to do was help the environment and make sure my fellow frens were safe from the angry non frens.


Unjerk for a moment, frens?

I usually like Con personalities that are young and edgy (Milo, Lauren Southern) but after seeing Owens' get triggered on 1) Rubin's show and 2)Rogan'a podcast I lost all interest. Recently she's supported taking away citizenship for burning the American flag. Seems just as annoying and brain dead as Leftist college kids.

Please let me enjoy my baste colored woman in a MAGA hat, fren.

Feel free to do so, fren. Don't let me stop you. Just voicing my ideas. I'm sure I can I find a fren in her too even if I don't like everything she says.

I'd put a fren in her. Sorry frens.

Dammit we got to be balanced frens. I agree, that’s a little to extreme.

Absolutely! Sometimes I really like Candace, but you're totally right. And the American flag stuff is so wrong.

The thing about flag burning is it’s basically contingent with Iranian groups chanting “Death to America!” — the sentiment is nearly the same. I don’t think it’s a crime per se —but it should definitely raise red flags as far as NSA domestic surveillance goes.

And if hate speech laws had any coherency, flag burning should definitely fall in that category.

13/50 fren... 🤔


Jordan literally interviewed Joe for 3 hours the other day, great vid if you are interested.

Yeah I saw that but didn’t watch the whole thing I have the podcast of him and joe he did 2 podcasts with joe they were great

Me too! And surprisingly, Andy Warski

Isn't he that guy who 9/11'd hasbro?


it's a Andy Warski meme. look up Adam Warski, theres even an song about it. it's from a livestream he had with Metokur on Internet Bloodsports

Ahhh I must of missed it. I haven’t really watched any of his stuff in awhile.

Rogan is a shill, fren.


Listen to Daddy Peterson, fren. He knows the way to the tastiest of tendies.

He's hold to the key to the top of the tendie-hierarchy

I just wanted to be the top lobster

You're a top fren to me.

Professor Peterson is a true fren.

do we like him fren?

We can learn a thing or two even from non-frens. Be vigilant though, the lie is not always what a man says but what he chooses not to say.

Frens, it's worth the watch in case you haven't already:

Everyone create fren shield help save our fren

He's repulsed by "the pepe frog" lol.

That’s what makes this funny.


Jordan "I can't do that" Peterson

What’s the “I can’t” and “I can’t do that” and video referencing? Im too busy to watch the whole 30 minute video someone dropped in the comments

Any search engine will probably find what you seek real fast. We do, after all, live in the current year.

It's a 2 minute video

Mr. Peterson would never do this Frens! He's a Fren!

I think you mean Dr* Peterson fren

I agree fren, Dr is his preferred pronoun.

You gotta be the archetypical fren, fren!

rescue your fren from the belly of the fren

Don't ask me about the Holodomor, BUCKO!

"I can't."

Now let's talk about penises.

Idk fren that room looks pretty clean already?

he wants to wash my pee pee too!!! 😟😟😟😫😫

Would it be copyright if I made this into a poster, fren?

I love it!

Tell me to clean my room again, daddy Peterson

sure do whatever you want with it

He's controlled opposition, frens. He sprinkles ideas like radical individualism into his teachings, which is rooted in Frankfurt school and critical theory.

A fren told me the Frankfurt Schoolhouse teachers all have long noses. Why?

Mere coincidence. 🤫...(((🤥)))


wash ur benis too fren

Except he's also a fren of the (((others))).

Go find another website to sully, you evil coward.

Go sully another website to you evil coward

Around here, non-Frens don't tell us where to go.

But why won't mister peterson acknowledge the frens killed in the frenonomore

don't worry fren, he's a good dad.

Quice, the invader hordes are coming in, clean your room!

I’m an individualist, according to what the $5 dollar personality test

Wow fren, that takes me back to different times.

He looks like the scary man in my dreams that tells me tomorrow is penis inspection day at school :(


I'd put a fren in her. Sorry frens.