Frens I have autism am i still welcome here?

2026  2019-06-16 by I-Cut-Myself


Yes you are fren

thank you fren

Always welcome here, but maybe not Costco, fren :(

Don’t worry fren I will buy you that bag of 120+ individually wrapped Hi-Chews

All ferens are welcome

Why do you think you have autism, fren?

And recent mouse studies suggest great improvements in so-called "autism" with lactobacillus reuteri, it can be purchased, and if you get some tablets, make some yogurt with them, much cheaper than buying them from The Man.

Doctors told me many times i have aspergers and adhd

OK, and what are the symptoms?

Arguing with your mom, refusing to clean your room, refusing to sit still and listen to your teachers? Do you have actual difficulty doing math, or are you just bored by school?

I dont understand body language or anything to do with socializing really, i prefer to be alone, mostly everything bores me, loud sounds drive me insane, certain textures on food or objects trigger me, insane anxiety levels and depression... I left school when i was 12 because i hated it so much. I don't understand how people can work at a job they hate to continue doing a job they hate.

I've also nearly died many times from suicide attempts and still believe I will end my life myself. I hate myself very much

You don't sound autistic to me, you sound artistic and sensitive.

Looking through your post history, you say your mother is narcissistic, did you know that when autism was first researched in "free countries" like USA, the finding was that a bad mother causes autism? It could also be a mother with bad gut bacteria, given the findings regarding gut health and bacteria.

What is your diet like? Plenty of salmon?

Thanks for the kind words fren

I dont like salmon, I have a weird diet some days i dont eat at all. I love chicken though, tendies warm my heart

Try eating salmon, fren.

And yogurt, and probiotics. And lots of green vegetables!

You don't like salmon fren? Salmon is yummy!

Sorry it's hard fren, I struggle with similar stuff :/ it can feel impossible sometimes but try to remember tomorrow always comes

Also I don't know about Radiants advice (I personally think autism is supported by research), but make sure to look into it on your own and talk to people who have similar experiences to you, it can really help with understanding your issues

Love you fren :3 stay strong ♥️🐸

Take care of yourself fren, you’re an amazing human being and you are loved by many!

We love you here fren❤️ don’t hurt yourself! The world needs more frens like you!

I have ADHD too fren, it’s okay!

And I'm bi-polar fren. All kinds of frens can be frens.

Same fren

Autism is genetic fren. I have it. Don't believe everything you read online. It's a neurodevelopmental disorder, our brain is different, our nervous system is different, we also have as you said different gut batteria, we can improve a little but we developed differently when we were children. To look "normal" we always have to mask and we're very anxious. We are good people, maybe too good

Well, I am not autistic, but you seem to think you are.

There is no blood test for autism, and, afaik, the genetic research cannot find markers for things like autism/races unless you pre-define them, then search for genetic commonalities amongst the pools you've already defined as "autistic", "neurotypical", etc.

The classification and division of space is not a medical problem nor is it a psychological or sociological problem, it is a philosophical problem. How is it that we divide things up, tell time, all of these things many take for granted, but that is because we have been living in time and divided space for many, many years, But how did it get to be this way?

Autism is most certainly not a neurodevelopmental disorder any more than down syndrome is a developmental disorder. Some frens have down syndrome, some have autism, but all are frens. With the rise of socialism, the fixation became not on "souls" but on "workers," and the workers had the idea that people who wouldn't work, or couldn't work, had something "wrong" with them.

If you get a better life out of thinking you're autistic, great, but if you don't, why bother? You're not disabled, you're able to write about how autism is a genetic and neurodevelopmental disorder, these are concepts that to the smartest people in the middle ages would have seemed opaque.

I said it is so-called "autism"---these bacteria appear to decrease systemic inflammation by some or other process, and the probability is that with the introduction of omega6 laden vegetable oils and industrial pollution, we now live with far more inflammation than ever before. If that were true, the emergence of "autism" is really just sensitive individuals being poisoned, we don't tend to say that people who die from rattlesnake bites have "rattlesnakevenominsusceptibilitydisorder"

And I don't know how old you are, fren, but there were great strides made treating so-called "autism" with LSD, before the totalitarians closed the silver mines.

Why wouldn't we welcome you fren?

Some people dont like us autists

some people need to learn to be more patient

They are just insecure of their own autism! Worry not dear fren.


Some people are unfrenly

this whole sub has autism


If u need autist frens go to r/wallstreetbets fren

Yeah, they're mean. They're nonfrens

Lol no dont get vaccinated next time, tard


Jk love you

Fren, as a doctor, I can say with 100% certainty that you have all of my frenly love

no homo

We love you, fren! Don't be sad!!!

At last count, Frenworld was found to be over 54% autistic.

Sounds about right to me fren.


this is why reddit top minds hate us ;(

because they have no sense of humor.

And they’re not patient.


Fren you're more than welcome, autistfrens are the greatest weapon against longnose.

They don't seem to have an issue with me here. You should be fine.

Of course you are fren.

aw you frens are so nice

Fren whether I believe there is such a thing as autism or not, I'll always be patient for a fren :)

We all are fren, it’s ok.

Of course, fren. It's not your fault. Just be a good fren and everyone gets to be happy.

All frens are welcome here fren!

Yes, we love artistic frens

Fren I was artistic but then the art school non-frens rejected me.

I’m feeling sort of unfrenly; what should I do?

-a fren from Austria

I don't know, but tell me if there is anything I can do to help, fren.

-a fren from Italy

私も助けることができます - 日本人の友達

We’ll give you czechoslovakia -British fren

An Austrian fren that couldn’t become an artist? Don’t become like the last Austrian man that couldn’t become an artist. Notice how I said man and not fren? It’s because he was unfrenly, and we at frenworld don’t support that behaviour. Looking at the non-frens of topminds


How unfrenly

Always welcome here fren

Dont worry frien. Many of us are autists around here. You're definitely welcome friend

Yes fren

as long as you are frenly you are allowed here


Don't be silly. All frens are welcome.

All frens welcome

Everyone is welcomed to Frenworld Even clowns If they are nice

No problem, fren. All frens are welcome here. Puzzle frens can even be better frens than most.

Of course fren

ofc my fren. I have aspergers - be warmly welcome!

Don't we all have autism, my fren

all frens are welcome here

We will always accept you fren

Yes fren, by your u/ are you ok?


ure not welcome to my minecraft server

Of course fren, everyone is welxome here :)

Catch this ball I am throwing at you fren :) want to play more ?

Yes ur my fren

me too fren #autisticcfren

Of course fren

Forever and always

I have the ass burgers fren. Every fren is welcome 🐸♥️

Despite being 13% of the world's population. 50% of frenworld is autistic

Of course you are!

Of course fren! Is someone not being frenly to you because of it

Is that not a requirement anymore?

Of course, fren! All frenly people are welcome to join us!

Despite making up just 13% of reddit users, frenworldnis 52% comprised of autistics.

My guitar is acoustic.. i think

Of course fren! Welcome to fren world :).

Hey fren what kind of artism u have

From a dash of the downs To a touch of the ‘tism, All fren thoughts are welcome Except for Long-Nose-Fren-ism.

All kind of frens are welcome fren

Yes fren, but may say something? Don’t do what your username says

Yes my fren you are

frenworld does not discriminate on basis of race, gender, sexual orientation or disability, fren. You are most welcome fren

This is a safe place for you fren


Fren, you should learn to weaponise your autism

Of course fren!

As long as you are frenly then you are my fren

of course fren :)

OFC, fren

All frens are welcome here!

As long as you like tendies

Of course fren

What sauce?

Honey mustard is good, but i also like any spicy hot sauce, bbq is good too

We’ll always be friends

Most of us are.

We’ll always be friends

I’d believe so fren

Me too fren, me too. Aspergers to be exact.

Dont care how small you are fren, autisim is just an extra dick, see?

I love all my frens! Don’t fear frenlover is here

Yes fren you will always be welcom in frenword

Frens are always welcome!

We all have autism here fren

autism is mandatory


Another fren with autism! Hello fren! How are you?

Hello fren, im okay how are you?

Good fren, am going to the dentist

Good luck, the dentist scares me

Thank you fren. I'm scared because of something I read a couple weeks ago. I'm not going to curse you with that information

Of course you're still welcome here, fren! Unlike the nasty topminds, we don't descriminate. As long as you're a fren and are frenly, we welcome you with open arms! ♡

Why of course it’s great to be artistic

Heck yea fren! (Sorry for bed lenguge)

Of course fren

And they’re not patient.

Thank you fren. I'm scared because of something I read a couple weeks ago. I'm not going to curse you with that information