I'm sorry for posting a second one of these, frens. I promise it's the last one. But this has to be seen. The lengths these people will go to is insane. They all need a bopping for sure.

42  2019-06-16 by Milky2812



Took a peek at your comment history fren. Why do non-friend hate you so much?

I'm not sure, fren. Non-frens get scared by things they arent used to. They try to reject it instead of consider it.

why can't I find the posts when I search for them? pm me links?

This is from messages between us. If you're after his name, I cant tell you as that would be essentially inviting harassment. Which I dont want.

Good on you for being a true fren, even to a nonfren

sounds like an unmitigated brainlet

Nonfrens don't get nuance, it is too complicated of a concept for them.

Just in case anyone asks, I will not reveal who this non fren was. Even if it was very tempting to reveal who it was, I know that could unleash a flood gate of possible hate. (Not that we friends are even capable of hate) so I decided against it. ALL I will say is many of us are likely know who this is and learning who wouldnt surprise many of us.

Good on you for sticking to your principles fren.

The same people who ban you for simply going to a subreddit they don't like suddenly get upset when they are censored.

Why are nonfrens such hypocritical, vacuous brainlets?

I love the dichotomy if either being a free speech absolutist or being okay with all kinds of censorship. Totally not a retarded view on the situation at all


In his logical fallacy does he think children are willing participants in child porn?