My military fren told me he may get sent to Iran to fight nonfrens for Mr. Longnose. How can they be so blind frens?

104  2019-06-16 by Swisschoclateer



What has Mr. Longnose ever done for us in return????

They gave us lots of yummy food and bright colours all over the streets!

I like food.

But what has it cost us frens?

Just mind your step ‘cause there’s other stuff all over the streets that you don’t wanna step in.

that's not a very fren thing to say

I'm sorry fren

This is why people think frenworld is bad, fren

Yup ;____;

I wish we could all be frens and not think about noses and percents so much

Yes, let's keep ignoring reality...


How yah doin buddy having a good day?

How is this not frenly, fren?

It's just roleplaying about how Mr. Longnose uses war to make a profit and to keep frens fighting instead of uniting to defeat King Longnose and his family of cousins who work in most of the key employment in many countries.


they also hold most of the high story telling chairs and tell lots of lies.

It's because Mr. Longnose is a hard worker, it has nothing to do with him hiring his cousins, I swear!




Rip to your fren the instinct to join the military and fight for ones country is wholesome but the us army hasn't truly protected this country in >100 years. Tis but a tool of our greatest ally