Tfw everyone else is celebrating Father's day but my Dad's dead

169  2019-06-16 by yodoswaginz


Bummer, fren. Being a dad helps with dad deficits though.

Im sorry about your loss, I’m sure your dad was a good man

You can still celebrate his life fren.

i’m your dad now

Happy Father’s Day


Mine has been dead since I was a little kid, fren. I’m a dad now so that’s good. Find a chick to knock up, fren!


Then knock up

Marry and procreate fren! Carry your father's legacy on


My mom died when I was a senior in high school. That was almost ten years ago fren. Mother's Day is always hard.

dont worry! hes in heaven looking over you! i just regret hes not on this earth right now to see how much of a frenly and great person youve become.

I lost my Dad too fren, I miss him. I never miss him any less, but I have learned to be strong for my little brother frens. I hope you can be strong too fren, we live in an unfrenly world.

He’s proud of you fren! Like we all are.

I know this doesn’t remove the fact that your earthly father is no longer with you, but you’ve got a Heavenly Father watching over you always fren. You’re never alone, you’ve always got a friend! :)

He lives on in you fren