My mother beat cancer frens I'm so happy I'm throwing a party and all of you frens are invited.

1225  2019-06-16 by GermanDoggo88


That's very good news fren!

What kind? That’s wonderful to hear my fren

She beat uterus cancer

Wow that’s great! Have a good day fren, and tell your mom you love her!

May god watch over you and your mother fren, good to hear that.

I’m so happy for you and you mom fren! And yes! I’m go to the party! It have food there?

There will be tendies fren


I'll bring the Honeys and BBQs!

I’ll bring the gamer girl jooce!


I'll bring some food.

Bring tendies fren!

This is great! Send your mother best wishes from a fren.

That's fantastic fren! Congrats to your mum :)

Mine didn't.

Can I still come?

Sorry to hear that fren but you are always welcome.


That’s not very nice, fren

I'm not a fren if you haven't noticed. Im just here to make fun of you bellends.

Ok retard

I know we’re on opposite sides of the political spectrum, but please allow me to drop the fren shtick for a moment: You are genuinely a bad person and that was fucked.

Why are you so mean

ok buddy RETARD

Fuck you and your rabbit

Says the unemployed incel who still lives in his mom's basement.

How stupid do you have to be to see a comment of someone losing their mother to cancer and take it as a opportunity to push your anti-frenie agenda. Seriously dude go fuck yourself.

Haha! It's way to good to make fun of you butthurts. I love it!

Why exactly? I'm not a big fan of rabbits but I'm not on r/rabbits or r/fluffybuns insulting people who do. It just a dick move to do shit like that.


Says the retard who lurks subreddits he doesn't like just to get outraged.

You are truly pathetic

You are honestly the true embodiment of a shithole. Get the fuck off this subreddit.

Dude, someone’s mother died of cancer. That isn’t ok to laugh at. Honestly. You’re a fucked person and should probably get some help.

You people seriously need to get some help.

I’m just here for the laughs dude. Some of this stuff can be funny and enjoyable. Then we have toxic fucks like you laughing at the death of somebody’s mother. You’re a fucking disgusting human being, and should be genuinely ashamed of yourself, because one day your mother is going to die, and nobody will help your toxic ass.

Fuck off and have a nice day

And still people here make fun of other people and children dying or getting killed. But that's totally ok, right? Just go back in the cave you came from and keep crying about your worthless life. Inbred fool.

Not everyone does that. It’s like saying “oh, he’s black, so he must be a criminal”

That’s not the case. I don’t participate in that bullshit, nor have I seen any posts pertaining to that. People like that in general disgust me, frenworld subscriber or not

you really are deluded if you think that makes it ok to laugh at someones parent that died of cancer. Hypothetically, if your parents die of cancer, would you want them to be laughed at? no. You think you're some superhero that is trolling "alt righters" epic style but in reality you're just a big cunt.

Tbh, I wouldn't give a f if people would laugh.

Also, never claimed to be some kind of superhero.

Everyone says that, until their parents die and someone makes fun of that.



Congratulations fren! I’m glad your mommy beat it.

I miss rmilliondollarextreme

What's that fren?


You're in for a treat if you haven't heard of MillionDollarExtreme, fren. Look them up on YouTube, most of the videos were deleted but some were reuploaded or on the second channel.

I'm so happy for you and your mother! This is amazing fren!

Great to hear fren! My grandma did that also!

That's incredible fren. Always be grateful for having your mother in your life.

Such a good news frens ! Give her the best hugs and tendies ever !


Happy for you fren! Throw a party for your mom

Thanks fren!



When and where fren? Tendies are on me.

Your mom beat up TopMind frens? I hope she just doesn't go to the slammer fren

She'll be fine

Should I bring something, fren?

You should bring yourself and your awso'e personality fren

I'm so glad for you and your mom, fren! Cherish the time you have together and always stay frenly :) God bless

Congrats, fren!


Congrats Fren

That's awesome fren !!🎂🍧🍨🍾🥂

Happy to hear that fren! Take good care of her, family are the most important frens!

I bet the tendies taste better for her now

Love it when cancer gets BOPPED!🐸❤️


Good job fren I’m happy for you

That's fucking awesome, fren! I'm very happy for you and your mom.

Congratulations fren!!

I feel u. My mom is recently 2 yrs cancwr free which just feels amazing

This is wonderful news fren. I'll bring some dipping sauces for the tendies.

im so glad fren! im coming to your party!

This does put a smile on my face

Congratulations, fren.


All these butthurts crying in their moms basement. I love it!

But I can't come fren!

Noooo plz you have to make it fren

But I can't

Now I'm sad

It's okay many other frens will be there

I'll bring the tendies fren!

This is honestly such a wholesome subreddit and I love it so much (Also that’s great to hear fren)

Stellar news fren!

Let’s heccing go fren!

Really happy to hear that friend, wish her all the best from us

Great news fren! I'll bring the orange soda

Congrats, fren!!!!!!

that's amazing news, fren!! let's go celebrate!!

Why exactly? I'm not a big fan of rabbits but I'm not on r/rabbits or r/fluffybuns insulting people who do. It just a dick move to do shit like that.

You should bring yourself and your awso'e personality fren

Noooo plz you have to make it fren